I maintain and use ~200 machines with ME, W2K, XP and Linux.
Don't ask me about the AS-400/800s, I might go postal!
I have a couple of Vista machines at home (out of 14), but refuse to
add any to my LAN.
I have yet to see any compelling reason to do so.
People can say 'improved security' all year, but I don't see it.
All I see is annoyance to the users.
I was hoping MS would get it right with Vista, but I was sadly
disappointed throughout Beta and into RTM.
Even SP1 isn't much of an improvement.
MS didn't listen to my input, they knew what they wanted and pushed
it out as they wanted it...too bad they were looking in the rearview
mirror instead of out the windshield.
I advise people to suffer through it if they must get a new machine,
otherwise stick with what is currently working for them!
And yes, I have done many upgrades/repairs on XP machines, to extend
their life, instead of recommending new systems with this thing they
call Vista installed.
I can make Vista work, but WHY?
Holz said:
Read my reply above. A good OS is the one that works for you best.
Reading the posts in this NG presents a different case.
Amen to everything. Same business, sane numbers, look at my header for
the news reader.