Michael Maes
I have a "Sibling Classes" issue:
° I have some Classes (forms) all Subclassed from System.Windows.Forms.Form.
° I have Classes in which there is a Property "OwnerForm" (for Components).
That poperty must accept:
° System.Windows.Forms.Form
° Subclassed Form_A
° Subclassed Form_B
° Subclassed Form_B_X
° Subclassed Form_B_Z
° Subclassed Form_C
For the property to accept all those Sibling-Classes, I could put it's type to Object.
Checking the Type in the Set of the Property is no problem
The property can also be set in Design-Time, so it's Available to the "Property-Browser" (<EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(True), ....)
And the last thing I want is a messy feeling being able to select "All kind of Objects".
Is there a way to Set the Type of a Property to ALL SubClasses of a Certain BaseType?
(I don't think so, but you never know....)
If not: is there a way to tell vs to show Only BaseType & DerivedTypes of a certain Object in the DropDownPortion of a Combo in the Property-Window.
This all is in vb.Net 2003
I have a "Sibling Classes" issue:
° I have some Classes (forms) all Subclassed from System.Windows.Forms.Form.
° I have Classes in which there is a Property "OwnerForm" (for Components).
That poperty must accept:
° System.Windows.Forms.Form
° Subclassed Form_A
° Subclassed Form_B
° Subclassed Form_B_X
° Subclassed Form_B_Z
° Subclassed Form_C
For the property to accept all those Sibling-Classes, I could put it's type to Object.
Checking the Type in the Set of the Property is no problem
The property can also be set in Design-Time, so it's Available to the "Property-Browser" (<EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(True), ....)
And the last thing I want is a messy feeling being able to select "All kind of Objects".
Is there a way to Set the Type of a Property to ALL SubClasses of a Certain BaseType?
(I don't think so, but you never know....)
If not: is there a way to tell vs to show Only BaseType & DerivedTypes of a certain Object in the DropDownPortion of a Combo in the Property-Window.
This all is in vb.Net 2003