Ok, I have two IBM servers. The servers has been running
pretty well with no problems at all.
However, recently my server just shutdown itself for no
reason and I have set my domain Security log to log
everything however the only msg I get is this:
The previous system shutdown at 10:10:36pn on 8/02/2003
was unexpected.
This was the only msg follow with an 6009 log:
Microsoft (R) Windows 2000 (R) 5.0 2195 Service pack 3
Multipocessor Free.
Most of the shutdown problems seems to happen during the
weekend but nobody is working during the weekend so what
could be the cause of the shutdow?(software or hardware)
Sp4 has not been install due to other problems that occur
with others but the other updates are all up to date.
Thank you for any info
pretty well with no problems at all.
However, recently my server just shutdown itself for no
reason and I have set my domain Security log to log
everything however the only msg I get is this:
The previous system shutdown at 10:10:36pn on 8/02/2003
was unexpected.
This was the only msg follow with an 6009 log:
Microsoft (R) Windows 2000 (R) 5.0 2195 Service pack 3
Multipocessor Free.
Most of the shutdown problems seems to happen during the
weekend but nobody is working during the weekend so what
could be the cause of the shutdow?(software or hardware)
Sp4 has not been install due to other problems that occur
with others but the other updates are all up to date.
Thank you for any info