Bradley Thomas said:
In windows Vista how can I create a shortcut on my desktop to enable me to
shut down?
Bradley Thomas.
In your root directory create a directory called Bat.
Open notepad and enter the following:
@echo off
Shutdown -s -t 2 -f
Save the file in Bat as shutdown.bat.
Right click shutdown.bat and send a shortcut to
the desktop. Then you can change the icon to
one of your choice. Icons are in: windows\
The t 2 means shutdown in 2 seconds, which
you can change to any value.
If you change the -s in the above batch script
to -r you can create a restart shortcut in the same
If you want a Hibernate script create a bat file
with the following:
@echo off
C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState