Windows XP Shutdown / Restart Problems XP PRO SP2

Apr 4, 2007
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For a couple of days having problems shutting down my PC. It goes through the stages of Logging Off / Saving Settings / Windows is shutting down. Thereafter it hangs for a min of 15 mins before anything happens.
I.E Restarting or Shutting Down, depending on my request.
Can anyone offer help in suggesting a possible cause and how to go about trying to solve the problem



The above is a good link .Run the CC Cleaner . Have you tried a full anti virus scan ?
Shutdown / Restart Win /Xp Pro Sp2


Tks for your input but unfortunately nothing suggested has helped to clear up this problem. I use CCleaner on a regular basis but in this instance I don't think it helped.
H/ever the problem has now been solved or I would like to believe it has.
I decided to disable/stop anything running in the systray and try both restart and shutdown.
In both instances, since carrying out that procedure the problem has cleared up.
Of course these items appears in my system tray once PC reboots as they are enabled in my msconfig.
Of course these items appears in my system tray once PC reboots as they are enabled in my msconfig
Then you need to eliminate the one causing the system to hold ... Only disable things via msconfig to find out which one is causing the problem ... then re-enable it and remove it properly.

Most of what is in your taskbar can be told not to load at windows start up ... and or, remover everything from the startup Folder that is not needed.
