Windows XP Shutdown Icon on Desktop


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Hi All,
A few years back I installed an icon on the desktop which allows me to shutdown the system with one click of the mouse. It saves having to go through the routine of Start,Shutdown,Are you sure you want to shutdown etc. However, my senile dementia has intervened and I have no idea how I did it (it was actually in a newspaper section on computers).

If anyone knows how it's done - and it was fairly simple - I'd be grateful if you could let me know. Time is now precious.
Here we go :)

Right click on the desktop
Click [New] [Shortcut] to open the Create Shortcut Wizard
Type [shutdown -s -t 00] without the brackets.
Click [Next] and type a descriptive name of your choosing for the shortcut
Click [Finish]
Wonderful! I knew it was straightforward.It was knowing what to type that I couldn't remember.

A million thanks.
Is it possible to put your own picture with that instead of the standard icon ?? Thanks for that I have been looking for the same thing for a while . :thumb:
Yup, if you right click and go to properties on it there should be a change icon button for you to assign whatever you want :)
Thanks . I found the standard set of icons and made a change . I'll have to look into how to make up some new icons at some later stage in me education . :D
Ian Cunningham said:
Type [shutdown -s -t 00] without the brackets.
Just wonderin, So what do the -s & -t 00 flags mean/do?
Abarbarian said:
Thanks . I found the standard set of icons and made a change . I'll have to look into how to make up some new icons at some later stage in me education . :D

Or you can download free ones to add to your existing collection. :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Here we go :)

Right click on the desktop
Click [New] [Shortcut] to open the Create Shortcut Wizard
Type [shutdown -s -t 00] without the brackets.
Click [Next] and type a descriptive name of your choosing for the shortcut
Click [Finish]

Thanks from me also Ian :thumb: It saved such a lot of clicking when I closed-down last night :D
V_R said:
Just wonderin, So what do the -s & -t 00 flags mean/do?

-s means shutdown (-r reboot, -l logoff)
-t 00 is the time to shutdown (i.e. instantly)

Nice one, Cheers Ian.

kinda self explanatory really. :)
At last, I can feel like a REAL member of this outfit.Nice to see that others have gained something from my original question.Until now I felt that I had simply taken but not put anything back into the system.

Sorry, I'm going on a bit.

Remember now the bit about what the 00 meant. I had 01 on my setup and sure enough it shut down in 1 second and not instantaneosly. It's a useful feature and I will now add it to my daughter's computer.