Shutdown.exe fails after Hotfix KB835732 for Sasser virus



Windows 2000 Server SP4
Hotfix KB835732 applied

Now the NTRK tool shutdown.exe no longer works, worked fine before.
Error "Unable to shutdown the specified server. Reasons may include:
1. Misspelled the computer name
2. Computer not a Windows NT computer
3. You do not have sufficient access to reboot
4. The computer cannot be found"

This is a local reboot, not remote. Logged on as built-in administrator
acct. Computer name has not changed. Obviously a NT computer (W2K Server).

Anyone have an idea to fix this?


Jerold Schulman

Windows 2000 Server SP4
Hotfix KB835732 applied

Now the NTRK tool shutdown.exe no longer works, worked fine before.
Error "Unable to shutdown the specified server. Reasons may include:
1. Misspelled the computer name
2. Computer not a Windows NT computer
3. You do not have sufficient access to reboot
4. The computer cannot be found"

This is a local reboot, not remote. Logged on as built-in administrator
acct. Computer name has not changed. Obviously a NT computer (W2K Server).

Anyone have an idea to fix this?

To see if it is tools issue, try PsShutdown, tip 4086 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.


Try that first.

Then try regedit
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Desktop and change the value for AutoEndTasks to 1
then go to
HKEY_USERS\%your user guid%\Desktop and change the value for
AutoEndTasks there to 1 also.

If it doesn't work, change them back. If it does be sure you save
everything before you shutdown.



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