When your computer restarts itself, does it
1. Run CHKDSK and find errors?
2. Give option to run in normal or safe mode?
3. Goes directly back into OS (where password has to be entered if one is previously entered)
4. Show input peripherals (scanners, printers, external modems etc) still work in system hardware control panel...no yellow asterik thingys?
5. Search for drivers for 'new' hardware?
It is possible Xp is having dummy spit with your hardware setup, typical for this OS. Remove all extra hardware stuff (printers, modems, use one stick ram, sound card,video card-use onboard if it has one), disable extras inside bios (smartdrive, bios cache etc, select basic -not optimum-setup defaults if available), storeage drives, CD drives and similar and then see what happens.
Also try uninstalling applications that are running in the background for extra hardware you have installed and just recently removed if you have done the above stuff...make sure you have setup disks for the stuff you remove!
Basically have as much of a basic running sytem as possible.
You might find this internal link of help...
If you try this angle, do post back