The log off/shut down/switch user/etc. doesn't work for one of the users on my system. All other users work fine. Cannot delete user because user is an administrator and too much data would be lost.
I am having a similar problem, however I did delete the user and then started a new account. The same problem is occuring, so I don't think that that is a solution. I am getting a number of error messages on that same account just after loggin on. Two of the error messsages seem to be related to trying t start MSWord in the background and the third to registering the user name
----- Rob wrote: ----
The log off/shut down/switch user/etc. doesn't work for one of the users on my system. All other users work fine. Cannot delete user because user is an administrator and too much data would be lost.
Same deal, anybody got a fix? My wife and I are users on the same computer, but when I log off and log on to her account, and attempt to log off her account, nothing happens. The log off button 'clicks' but nothing happens after that.
when I press to log off or press the resart button nothing is happening, can you help???
----- JimiJo wrote: -----
Same deal, anybody got a fix? My wife and I are users on the same computer, but when I log off and log on to her account, and attempt to log off her account, nothing happens. The log off button 'clicks' but nothing happens after that.