It looks like Vista is way over your head.
If true, that would mean Microsoft failed. The sign of a GOOD OS is
ease of use and not getting in your way. While clumsy in spots,
bloated and sometimes sluggish, Windows Vista is easy enough to use.
There is nothing magical or difficult about "learning" how to use it.
Just another feeble excuse the fanboy crowd likes to throw out.
As usual asswipes like you attempt to discredit anyone finding fault
with Vista or those documenting it's many problems. That makes you a
****wit because in your infantile undeveloped mind you equate people
finding fault with Vista or having problems getting to do what it is
suppose to must mean they're dumb.
Sorry, bub, the dumb one is you. Because you still haven't figured out
the difference between having trouble working with Vista to get it to
do what it claims it can and reporting what's wrong with it that
prevents you from working efficiently.
You also being a damn fool simply can't stand to have this newsgroup
function in a normal fashion where different opinions are encouraged.
You being a Microsoft boot licking worshiper attempt to stifle
anything said that's critical about Vista, just like the well known
moron Frank does.
Here everyone laughing at you fools? If you do or not, we are. That's
the one thing you two bozos will never understand. Your only function
here is to be the butt of jokes and kicked around. My pleasure. As I
told you before I REALLY love to boot you two simpletons around.