Shut down by NT



My computer often shut down by NT Authority system,what does it mean? It happen so many times and It really bugging me while Im working on somethings, Does it come from the XP or kind of virus? Thank You.....


----- Ferry Sambudi wrote: ----

My computer often shut down by NT Authority system,what does it mean? It happen so many times and It really bugging me while Im working on somethings, Does it come from the XP or kind of virus? Thank You....

It is a Virus,One of several.Sorry I don't have links for you but try an online scan at, or they are free
Turn on your firewall!!
Hopefully this will help when the notice to shutdown begins click on start>run and type in shutdown -a this may stop it from shutting down long enough to run the scan


Try this link

I would suggest W32.Sasser if that doesn't work then try W32.Welchia.Worm &

Hope that helps, you may need to get these via another PC but they will fit
on a floppy disk and I think you need to run them in "SafeMode".

Ferry Sambudi said:
My computer often shut down by NT Authority system,what does it mean? It
happen so many times and It really bugging me while Im working on
somethings, Does it come from the XP or kind of virus? Thank You.....

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

As you haven't provided any specific details or error messages,
the following is the result of having to guess what your problem might
be. There are at least two possibilities:

1) If you connected the PC to the Internet without having first
enabled a firewall, without having first installed an antivirus
application with current virus definition files, and before installing
the KB828471 Hotfix, you're very likely to get infected from any of
the thousands of PCs on the Internet that are constantly broadcasting
the Blaster and/or Welchia worms. It only takes a few seconds of

To stay on-line long enough to get the necessary updates, patches,
and removal tools, click Start > Run, and enter "shutdown -a" when the
next RPC countdown begins. This will abort the shut down. Also, make
sure you've enabled a firewall before starting, to preclude any more
intrusions while getting the updates/patches/tools.

MS04-012 Cumulative Update for Microsoft RPC-DCOM;en-us;828741

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm

W32.Blaster.Worm a.k.a. W32/Lovesan.Worm

W32.Blaster.Worm Removal Tool

W32.Welchia.Worm a.k.a. W32/Nachi.Worm

W32.Welchia.Worm Removal Tool

McAfee AVERT Stinger

2) You've apparently contracted the latest worm, W32.Sasser.Worm,
specifically designed to attack people who do not update their
computers promptly and who do not practice "safe hex." In other
words, like Blaster, this worm was developed and distributed _after_ a
patch for the vulnerability was announced and made publicly available.
Further, and also like Blaster, this worm could not affect any
computer whose user had taken the basic precaution of using a properly
configured firewall.

To stay on-line long enough to get the necessary updates, patches,
and removal tools, click Start > Run, and enter "shutdown -a" when the
next Shutdown countdown begins. This will abort the shut down. Also,
sure you've enabled a firewall before starting, to preclude any more
intrusions while getting the updates/patches/tools.

What You should Know about the Sasser Worm and its Variants

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-011


A tool is available to remove the Sasser worm variants;EN-US;841720

W32.Sasser.Worm Removal Tool

McAfee AVert Stinger Virus Removal Tool

Bruce Chambers
You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Ferry Sambudi said:
My computer often shut down by NT Authority system,what does it
mean? It happen so many times and It really bugging me while Im
working on somethings, Does it come from the XP or kind of virus?
Thank You.....

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