J Jeff Johnson May 4, 2010 #2 i m newbie Can i shut down 64bit windows 7 by c# code? Click to expand... Google is your friend. From "shut down windows c#" I found this: http://www.geekpedia.com/code36_Shut-down-system-using-Csharp.html I would be very surprised if it didn't work for 64-bit Windows. Try it and let us know!
i m newbie Can i shut down 64bit windows 7 by c# code? Click to expand... Google is your friend. From "shut down windows c#" I found this: http://www.geekpedia.com/code36_Shut-down-system-using-Csharp.html I would be very surprised if it didn't work for 64-bit Windows. Try it and let us know!
A Arne Vajhøj May 5, 2010 #3 Can i shut down 64bit windows 7 by c# code? Click to expand... If you DllImport ExitWindowsEx then I guess that it should work fine. Arne
Can i shut down 64bit windows 7 by c# code? Click to expand... If you DllImport ExitWindowsEx then I guess that it should work fine. Arne