I've read before that each PC costs £100 ($170 ish) a year to leave
running 24/7 - that's a big chunk of money wasted.
Any company that requires pushing updates overnight should look at Wake
On LAN - push the update down then shut the machine down again. An
example of this is the project I am working on at the moment - 10,000
client PC's - that's £1,000,000 a year!!
My 2 pence worth.
They are stating £70 a year, but some interesting figures.
-----Original Message-----
From: Princess Morgiah [mailto
[email protected]]
Posted At: 16 December 2005 21:02
Posted To: microsoft.public.win2000.general
Conversation: Shut dow system at night
Subject: Re: Shut dow system at night
mark olczyk said:
We have over 300 users in our company, 1/4 of the users leave their
system on overnight, is there a way to force shutdown of all the
workstation like at 10:00pm every night, Thanks for help
Please forgive my curiosity, but why would you want to do that? A
company I worked for had exactly the opposite rule (all systems must be
left on 24/7).
Princess Morgiah