I've got a picture that's 400% larger than the slide extents.
I'm trying to use the Shrink animation so that the picture will shrink
to fit the slide extent. From a viewer's point of view, this will be
like starting in on a close-up and "pulling out" to reveal the whole
The problem is, when you try this the shrink animation doesn't take
the whole picture with it. Instead, it seems to take a weird portrait-
orientated section not a lot wider than the original slide. Therefore,
it technically works except it's missing large bits down either side.
Anyone know why this is, and is there an easy workaround?
I don't want the full image to appear even for a brief second, so the
only workaround I've got so far is a very complicated one involving
disappearing the image, zooming it to 400% in 0.1 seconds, then making
it appear, then shrinking it back slowly again. It works, but it's
very clunky and slow to program in.
I'm using PowerPoint 2007.
Thanks in advance,
I'm trying to use the Shrink animation so that the picture will shrink
to fit the slide extent. From a viewer's point of view, this will be
like starting in on a close-up and "pulling out" to reveal the whole
The problem is, when you try this the shrink animation doesn't take
the whole picture with it. Instead, it seems to take a weird portrait-
orientated section not a lot wider than the original slide. Therefore,
it technically works except it's missing large bits down either side.
Anyone know why this is, and is there an easy workaround?
I don't want the full image to appear even for a brief second, so the
only workaround I've got so far is a very complicated one involving
disappearing the image, zooming it to 400% in 0.1 seconds, then making
it appear, then shrinking it back slowly again. It works, but it's
very clunky and slow to program in.
I'm using PowerPoint 2007.
Thanks in advance,