Shpock vs Ebay?


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I've been having a big clearout of my house this past few months and I've listed a lot of stuff on eBay, but I've got quite a few larger things to sell that will need collecting. Ebay was going to be my first choice, but I've seen Shpock appear more and more. I gave a lot of stuff away to the British Heart Foundation, but my old sofa was so awful in taste (but in good condition!) they really didn't want it :lol:

Has anyone tried using Shpock to sell things, and if so, how did you feel the protection level was for both buyer and selling?
I've never heard of Shpock. As for e0bay I stopped using it and mostly use Facebook market place now.
Never heard of Shpock either but I do use eBay occasionally, mostly to buy smallish items.
Guess Shpock has a bit of growing to do then. I bought some boxes from there a few days ago and the transaction seemed to go smoothly, so might try listing a few low value things.

Just after I posted this thread, I got a £1 max listing fee e-mail so went with ebay this time!