I have been trying to make a graph to chart the number of
people cancelling a service each month (and have all the
months of the year appear on the x-axis even if there
are "0" cancellations). The problem I have run into is
that some months I have no response and on the chart the
months on the x-axis will jump from from January to March
becuase there is nothing in February. How can I play with
the query for this chart to make it show all the months of
the year and the volume of reponse, even when there are
none. Below is what I have in the field listing from the
1) (Year([Cancellation Date])*12+Month([Cancellation
2) Date of Cancellation: (Format([Cancellation
3) Date],"mmm"" '""yy"))
4) [Product/Service]
Count: Nz((Count([Product/Service])),0)
people cancelling a service each month (and have all the
months of the year appear on the x-axis even if there
are "0" cancellations). The problem I have run into is
that some months I have no response and on the chart the
months on the x-axis will jump from from January to March
becuase there is nothing in February. How can I play with
the query for this chart to make it show all the months of
the year and the volume of reponse, even when there are
none. Below is what I have in the field listing from the
1) (Year([Cancellation Date])*12+Month([Cancellation
2) Date of Cancellation: (Format([Cancellation
3) Date],"mmm"" '""yy"))
4) [Product/Service]
Count: Nz((Count([Product/Service])),0)