Showing Value, not bookmark name.

  • Thread starter Thread starter hornetster
  • Start date Start date


Am using fields to do calculations in Word. Have a bookmark to a value (ie
"74" is bookmarked as "Rate", both without quotes.)
I am then referring to this in a field {if EngineCapacity<= "1600" Rate ""}
called "kms", then using this in a calculation {=kms*Rate/100}
The calculation works, but the "kms" field displays as Rate, not as the
actual value. Is it possible to show this as the actual value??

Thanks, John.
Hi John,

Your formula field construction for the Rate is wrong. It should be something along the lines of:
{IF{EngineCapacity}<= 1600 Rate 0}
{=({EngineCapacity}<=1600)*Rate \# 0;;}

Where is 'EngineCapacity' coming from?
If it's from a mailmerge data source, its field code should be expressed as:
{MERGEFIELD EngineCapacity}
If it's from a dropdown formfield and the Engine Capacity option is '<=1600', then the field code should be expressed along the
lines of:
{IF{EngineCapacity}= "<= 1600" Rate 0}

Note: The field brace pairs (ie '{ }') for the above example are created via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them or copy & paste
them from this message. Likewise, you can't type or copy & paste the chevrons (ie '« »') - they're part of the actual mergefields,
which you can insert from the mailmerge toolbar.