Hi EveryBody:
I was downloading a lot of file by using the following code:
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename)
response.BinaryWrite(buffer() as byte)
but I discover for large data this will be a problem because every time I
tried to download large data I error raise toled me that system out of memory.
I tried another way to upload and download to web server that really worked
with me very well but I face a problem when I download any file and I did not
use the response for writing it that the Download dialog box dose not appear
so some body can help me and toled me how can I use
or WebClinte class download method and still can show the download dialog
box I
Response.addheader(value as string,name as string) but did not work.
any help will be appreciated
I was downloading a lot of file by using the following code:
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename)
response.BinaryWrite(buffer() as byte)
but I discover for large data this will be a problem because every time I
tried to download large data I error raise toled me that system out of memory.
I tried another way to upload and download to web server that really worked
with me very well but I face a problem when I download any file and I did not
use the response for writing it that the Download dialog box dose not appear
so some body can help me and toled me how can I use
or WebClinte class download method and still can show the download dialog
box I
Response.addheader(value as string,name as string) but did not work.
any help will be appreciated