showing symbols on a two axis chart

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I have the table below as the result of other sheets.
a b average formula
seg 1 3.7 3.5 3.6 3
seg 2 2.1 3.0 2.6 2
seg 3 2.6 2.0 2.3 2
seg 4 4.6 3.0 3.8 3
seg 5 3.0 4.0 3.5 3
seg 6 2.3 4.0 3.2 2

the formula column just shows the result of a simple IF formula
I want to show on a chart that reflect the number in the formula column and
shows a symbol where the two axis meet

i.e seg 3 shows a star where "a" 2.6 meets "b" 2.0.

Can any one help please. Thanks Tony
Tony -

I'm not certain, but I think you want a scatter chart. Select the range
of "a" and "b" data and start the chart wizard. On the first tab choose
an XY Scatter chart. This gives you a chart with markers for each point
defined by X in tha "a" column and Y in the "b" column.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Thanks Jon not quite what i need as this shows both points.

I need to show a symbol of any kind where the two axis meet for each
segment, so some kind of symbol at cross point where "a" 2.6 meets "b" 2.0.
so only one marker shows at the meeting point.
Hope this clarifies. i would send a graphical representation but not sure
how to attach a file.
sorry for not explaining correctly.
If the value in a is 3.2 and the value in b is 4.5, and if a=x axis and b= y
axis then go along x axis to 3.2 and same for y axis and where the two meet
insert a symbol like a star or box, with a different symbol for each seg in
the table below.
If you tell me how to attach a file i will send you look alike.
Thanks Tony
You're saying go along the X axis to point (3.2,0) and along the Y axis
to point (0,4.5). These are just two points, and they don't meet. What
meets might be the horizontal line at Y=4.5 and the vertical line at
X=3.2, which is what you get by plotting a point at (3.2,4.5), which is
what I originally suggested. Do you want to show all of these
construction lines? Do you want the symbols along the axes or in the
plot area? This is the part that's not at all clear.

If the previous method I told you provided the right locations for the
symbols, but you want a different symbol per point, then make the chart
as I suggested, double click on the series, and on the options tab,
check the Vary Colors by Point checkbox.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Thanks Jon, your suggestion gives two points per seg and not one. I have
just found a way to do it using bubble chart and specifing location in the
series info and this seems to work.

Thanks for all your help.