showing record totals from one field based on current record criteria



Good evening,

I have received some excellent help regarding a previous quandry I had,
and I have returned with yet another one.

I am trying to wrap my head around creating an unbound field on a form
that would display the total hours worked for the Project that is
attached to the current record being displayed in that form.


I have a table with a total_hours_worked field as well as a
project_name field. I have been able to create an unbound field on the
form that will tally all the hours in the total_hours_worked field, but
the difficulty arises when I add a new project_name into the mix. The
unbound field is basically just totalling all the total_hours_worked
records and displaying the number. What I would like it to do is only
display the add up the total_hours_worked records that match the
Project_name for the current record. So if I am looking at ProjectA
then the Total Hours to Date (the unbound field) will only add up the
total_hours_worked for records pertaining to ProjectA, and continue to
change based on whatever Project is being looked at.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as always




=Dsum("[total_hours_worked]","YourTableName","[Project_name]=' " &
Me.Project-Name & " ' ")
(remove the sapces in ' " and " ' ")



Thanks for the reply JK

I followed your directions but the unbound feild ends up displaying

any ideas why?



=Dsum("[total_hours_worked]","YourTableName","[Project_name]=' " &
Me.Project-Name & " ' ")
(remove the sapces in ' " and " ' ")


chanchito said:
Good evening,
I have received some excellent help regarding a previous quandry I had,
and I have returned with yet another one.
I am trying to wrap my head around creating an unbound field on a form
that would display the total hours worked for the Project that is
attached to the current record being displayed in that form.

I have a table with a total_hours_worked field as well as a
project_name field. I have been able to create an unbound field on the
form that will tally all the hours in the total_hours_worked field, but
the difficulty arises when I add a new project_name into the mix. The
unbound field is basically just totalling all the total_hours_worked
records and displaying the number. What I would like it to do is only
display the add up the total_hours_worked records that match the
Project_name for the current record. So if I am looking at ProjectA
then the Total Hours to Date (the unbound field) will only add up the
total_hours_worked for records pertaining to ProjectA, and continue to
change based on whatever Project is being looked at.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as always


This is a sign of a misspelled field or table name

In an unbound calculated field in a form:

=Dsum("[total_hours_worked]","YourTableName","[Project_Name]=" &

The filed Project_Name must be in the table/query which is the source for
your form, it does not have to be on your form (although from memory, it
*does* have to be on form if you are using Access 97)

(Change "YourTableName" to the name of your table, enclosed in quotation

Sorry, it was my fault.


chanchito said:
Thanks for the reply JK

I followed your directions but the unbound feild ends up displaying

any ideas why?



=Dsum("[total_hours_worked]","YourTableName","[Project_name]=' " &
Me.Project-Name & " ' ")
(remove the sapces in ' " and " ' ")




You rock. I had realized when I first typed your code into the unbound
field that I was to populate it with my own table that is the source of
the form. What needed changing was as you explained, removing the Me.
portion. Once I did that...voila!!!

Now, if I could pick your brain just a bit more. I would really like
to understand the code so that if something similar comes up in the
future I will have a better grasp at how to tackle it. Just typing it
in and seeing it work isn't going to get me any further than where I am
now. =)

I understand that we are using the Dsum statement, and telling it that
we only want the calculation for the total_hours_worked filed, found
within the table "YourTableName", where I get a bit lost is here:

"[Project_name]=' " & [Project_name] & " ' " ) I removed the
spaces where you had indicated, i just wanted it to be easier to see

I can see that the above statement is saying that the field
Project_name must equal whatever is in the field because that is my
intention for it to be that way. But i can't see it based on just the
code itself, I gues the use of the single and double quotations is
throwing me off.

I apologize for beating this to death JK, I just really want to get a
better understanding of how you worked your magic. And, if you choose
to throw the magicians code at me ('a magician never reveals his
secrets') I would understand. =)


=Dsum("[total_hours_worked]","YourTableName","[Project_name]=' " &
Me.Project-Name & " ' ")
(remove the sapces in ' " and " ' ")


Chanchito I'll give it a go:

The domain aggregate functions ,Dlookup(), DSum(), DCount() etc. have 3

1. Which (Field or expression)
2. Where (Table or query)
3. How (Criteria)

Each of them is expressed as *string*:


The first 2 are straight foreword, the criteria is the one that causes
to many people. The simplest example of criteria is:

"[Customer_ID]=2" (Number)
"[FirstName]='Bill' " (string - the single quotation tells Access: "hey, I
am a string)

So far no problem because you specified a constant as a criteria. However,
in most cases you match a filed in a table/query against a filed in your

Suppose yo have a field in your form called Current_ID", if you use
the expression:


Risky, but Access will still evaluate it correctly because it will look
around and find [Current_ID] on your form and match it against the value
have *in* [Current_ID]. But here comes trouble.

Suppose your Filed name on your form is the same name as on the table
[Customer_ID] and you make the criteria:

Access will return the *first* record in your table, why? because
[Customer_ID] is always equal to [Customer_ID] the same way as X=X
(Even I know that :) the
criteria [Customer_ID]=[Customer_ID is evaluated as True (-1) and the
whole expression becomes:


In other words, *there is no criteria* if you run DCount you will get the
total number of records, or if it is DSum() you will get the sum across the
whole table/query etc

Now, we have to get Access to look *inside* [Customer_ID] in our *form* to
the right result. Remember, the criteria is a **string**! In order force
Access to look into [Customer_ID] in our form we break-up our criteria into
components and simply join them together later:

1. "[Customer_ID]=" (this is the field in the table part of the criteria)
2 [Customer_ID] (this is the form part of the criteria.

Joining them together as one string becomes:

"[Customer_ID]=" & [Customer_ID]

As the second [Customer_ID] is not enclosed by quotation marks, Access
evaluate it first and look for a field [Customer_ID], takes the value from
and adds it to the criteria. If, say, Access find the value 27 in our field
on the form, it takes the number 27 and adds it to the criteria which

[Customer_ID]=" & [Customer_ID] becomes "[Customer_ID]=27"


Now, Remember Bill up above?, it is basically the same principle, except
"Bill" is a string. If you are writing an SQL expression, like you will do
in a calculated field on a form, No difference *whatsoever* . Suppose
You have [CustomerFullName] in your query and in your form

=DSum("[InvoiceAmount]","tblInvoices","[CustomerFullName]=" &


When you are using VBA you *must* tell Access "hey !I'm a string". You do so
by enclosing the Field name in single quotations marks (yes, I know, I can
double quotation marks twice but I never do - it confuses the hell out of

We do it the same way as before but adding the single quotation marks:

"[CustomerFullName]=" & " ' " & Me.CustomerFullName & " ' " (enclosing it in

access will look at the field on the form "CustomerFullName" and will match
it against "[CustomerFullName] in the table "Invoices". If
[CustomerFullName]="Bill Gates" the criteria is:

"[CustomerFullNeme]='Bill gates' "

On this occasion, because we have tow consecutive double quotations we can
shorten it by adding the left single quotation mark to the right side of the

Something=Dlookup("[Customer_ID","tblInvoices","[CustomerFullName]= ' " &
Me.CustomerFullName & " ' ")

I hope it clarifies it for you.
Exam tomorrow ;-)


chanchito said:

You rock. I had realized when I first typed your code into the unbound
field that I was to populate it with my own table that is the source of
the form. What needed changing was as you explained, removing the Me.
portion. Once I did that...voila!!!

Now, if I could pick your brain just a bit more. I would really like
to understand the code so that if something similar comes up in the
future I will have a better grasp at how to tackle it. Just typing it
in and seeing it work isn't going to get me any further than where I am
now. =)

I understand that we are using the Dsum statement, and telling it that
we only want the calculation for the total_hours_worked filed, found
within the table "YourTableName", where I get a bit lost is here:

"[Project_name]=' " & [Project_name] & " ' " ) I removed the
spaces where you had indicated, i just wanted it to be easier to see

I can see that the above statement is saying that the field
Project_name must equal whatever is in the field because that is my
intention for it to be that way. But i can't see it based on just the
code itself, I gues the use of the single and double quotations is
throwing me off.

I apologize for beating this to death JK, I just really want to get a
better understanding of how you worked your magic. And, if you choose
to throw the magicians code at me ('a magician never reveals his
secrets') I would understand. =)


=Dsum("[total_hours_worked]","YourTableName","[Project_name]=' " &
Me.Project-Name & " ' ")
(remove the sapces in ' " and " ' ")


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such a detailed and
clear explanation regarding my little quandry. =) I really appreciate

I can see now how the quotes come into play and what there importances
is in letting access know that you are dealing with a string based
value for your criteria. I guess, for me anyway, that the whole visual
presentation of the quotes is more confusing than there actual use and
purpose. When they are all mixed together like that I start losing
track of where one expression ends and another begins. =(

Thanks again JK. I am sure that I will be posting here again in the




My pleasure Chanchito,

Just one more twick which I did not mention in order no to confuse you.

Access holds Date/Time fields as a number (double), the format just "mask"
the number for presentation. 1=1 day, fractions are part of a day (hours,
minute, second). I have had it many time the when comparing a date field in
a table/query to a date in the form, Access does not (always) gives me the
correct result, or result in a Null value. (no can find :-(

Therefore it always safer to convert the date on your *form* to number (long
or double). If your date filed in the table is *always* full date (no hours,
minutes etc) your criteria will be:

DLookup( .. ..,"[DateInTable]=" & Clng([DateInForm))
Clng Function convert a value to a Long Integer

If you want to capture an *exact* Date and time (eg 10/15/2006 12:33) you
use the Cdbl to convert the date on the form

DLookup( .. ..,"[DateInTable]=" & Cdbl([DateInForm))

If your table does have fraction of dates and you want to capture a *whole*
Day (From 00:00:00 - 23:59:59), you need to test it accordingly:

Dlookup( ..... ,"[DateInTable]>=" & Clng([DateInForm]) & " AND
[DateInTable]<" &Clng (DateInForm)+1)


DLookup(....,"Clng([DateInTable])=" & Clng([DateInForm) )
(note the conversion in The table side is *inside* the quotation marks)


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