Lodewijk Olthof
I have a form with 9 optional fields and a form with names for these
optional fields (or no name).
When the form is opend, I want to check if each optional fields has a name
in the constant field. If so, the optional field is shown with that name.
I use the following syntax for it:
If Len([Forms]![frmConstanten]![stfVeld1]) > 0 Then
Me!BijschriftstfVeld1.Visible = True
Me!stfVeld1.Visible = True
Me!BijschriftstfVeld1.Caption = [Forms]![frmConstanten]![stfVeld1]
End If
This code is put 9 times in sub Form_Open. I was wondering if this can also
be done with a
For teller = 1 to 9
some code
Next teller
I hoped the code would be the same, but with 1 (etc.) changed to teller, but
that wil not work. Has anyone got a sugestion?
optional fields (or no name).
When the form is opend, I want to check if each optional fields has a name
in the constant field. If so, the optional field is shown with that name.
I use the following syntax for it:
If Len([Forms]![frmConstanten]![stfVeld1]) > 0 Then
Me!BijschriftstfVeld1.Visible = True
Me!stfVeld1.Visible = True
Me!BijschriftstfVeld1.Caption = [Forms]![frmConstanten]![stfVeld1]
End If
This code is put 9 times in sub Form_Open. I was wondering if this can also
be done with a
For teller = 1 to 9
some code
Next teller
I hoped the code would be the same, but with 1 (etc.) changed to teller, but
that wil not work. Has anyone got a sugestion?