Antonio Paglia
Hi ,
There is a way to create an instance of windowsforms (and open it) that
is located in another assembly ?
I have tried:
Dim o As Object = System.Activator.CreateInstance("General.Windows.UI.dll",
CType(o, System.Windows.Forms.Form).Show()
AssemblyName.dll exist in the Bin directory of Caller Assembly but without
reference to it.
I get allways a FileNotFoundException
Any help will be appreciated
There is a way to create an instance of windowsforms (and open it) that
is located in another assembly ?
I have tried:
Dim o As Object = System.Activator.CreateInstance("General.Windows.UI.dll",
CType(o, System.Windows.Forms.Form).Show()
AssemblyName.dll exist in the Bin directory of Caller Assembly but without
reference to it.
I get allways a FileNotFoundException
Any help will be appreciated