Showing a shape on current slide

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This is probably trivial but I can't find the appropriate search criteria to
get the answer. Here is the problem:

I have a small libarary of complex shapes (e.g. fully funtioning virtual
keyboard) and wish to reuse them on selected slides in my interactive

I have no problem placing them on a specific slide e.g.

ActivePresentation.Slides(66).Shapes("Keypad").Visible = msoTrue

But I can't work out the syntax/method of refering to the current slide
instead of a fixed slide, 66 in this case. I wish to pass the current slide
to the subroutine that shows the "keypad" shape so that it will display on
the current slide (or any alternate better method).
Thanks for any help.

Thinking about this further I was wondering if the concept of globally
available shapes was not part of PPT and I would therefore have to repeat
them or use a single slide and switch shapes in/out as I need them. I have
done this before but it gets a little confusing when there a 100's of shapes
to control.
ActivePresentation.Slides(66).Shapes("Keypad").Visible = msoTrue

Try SlideShowWindows(1).Shapes("Keypad").Visible=msoTrue

Austin Myers
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP Team

Creator of PFCPro, PFCMedia and PFCExpress
One thing that would be a big help is to have the object model
documentation. Go to the MS web site and do a search for "vbapp10.chm". I
think you find it very helpful.

Austin Myers
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP Team

Creator of PFCPro, PFCMedia and PFCExpress
ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide gives you the current
slide, so you are looking for:

ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes("Keypad").Visible =

Steve et al,

Thanks for your help, I have the correct syntax now but I am spending a bit
of time on the design approach that may obviate the need. I have done a
similar presentation that appears to be a multiple slide slideshow but in
fact all done on a single slide making shape managment a little simpler.