I am creating an application that will create a notify window similar to
outlook 2003 notify popup. I am making an asyncronous remoting call using
system.thread that raises an event to show the form. However, the form shows
up as a black box and then immediately disappears when the event is called.
If I call the function through a menu item or button, it works fine. Here's
the popup code:
Private Sub ATU_RetrieveDone(ByVal e As
AsyncUpdater.AsyncUpdaterEventArgs) Handles ATU.RetrieveDone
Me.UpdateTimer.Enabled = False
If e.Forums Is Nothing Then
End If
Me.UpdateTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTopicListView(ByVal Topics As ResultsCollection)
For index As Integer = 0 To Topics.Count - 1
Dim LI As New ListViewItem
... Create LI Item ...
Dim NewB As New Button
If Not TopicInList(Topics.Item(index).TopicID) Then
End If
Dim Message As String
Message = "{0} new topic updates have been retrieved from {1}"
Me.ShowPopup(String.Format(Message, Topics.Count,
End Sub
Private Sub ShowPopup(ByVal Message As String, Optional ByVal TimeOut As
Integer = 0)
Dim displaytime As Integer
If TimeOut < 1000 Then
displaytime = ClientSettings.PopupTime * 1000
displaytime = TimeOut
End If
Dim PW As New PopupWindow
PW.SetProperties(NewMessagePopup.Blend, Message, displaytime)
End Sub
And here's routine that creates the popup in a seperate windows form.
Public Sub ShowPopup()
Dim tbl As TaskBarLocation
Dim workingArea As Rectangle
Dim pt As Point
pt = New Point
pt.X = 0 : pt.Y = 0
workingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea
tbl = GetTaskBarLocation()
Select Case tbl
Case TaskBarLocation.Bottom
pt.X = workingArea.Right - Me.Width
pt.Y = workingArea.Bottom - Me.Height
Case TaskBarLocation.Left
pt.X = workingArea.Left
pt.Y = workingArea.Bottom - Me.Height
Case TaskBarLocation.Right
pt.X = workingArea.Right - Me.Width
pt.Y = workingArea.Bottom - Me.Height
Case TaskBarLocation.Top
pt.X = workingArea.Right - Me.Width
pt.Y = workingArea.Top
End Select
Me.Visible = False
Me.Top = pt.Y
Me.Left = pt.X
Me.Visible = True
tmrStartFade.Enabled = True
End Sub
I've done some more research and it appears the problem is caused using
timers. I've used both System.Timers.Timer and System.Windows.Forms.Timer and
both give the same result, a black box that appears and then disappears. If I
call the ShowPopup subroutine by clicking a button, it displays correctly. If
the timer causes the form to be displayed, I get the black box.
Here's the logic steps used:
1) Timer.Tick event occurs
2) Tick Handler creates a new AsyncUpdater and invokes the GetUpdate method
3) GetUpdate creates a new thread and begins the remoting call
4) Once GetUpdate has completed the remoting call, the event RetrieveDone is
5) The main form handles the event causing a list view to update it's list
of items.
6) The ShowPopup method is called to display the popup.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I can't understand why the
manual invoking (pressing a button) works but the event handler doesn't.
outlook 2003 notify popup. I am making an asyncronous remoting call using
system.thread that raises an event to show the form. However, the form shows
up as a black box and then immediately disappears when the event is called.
If I call the function through a menu item or button, it works fine. Here's
the popup code:
Private Sub ATU_RetrieveDone(ByVal e As
AsyncUpdater.AsyncUpdaterEventArgs) Handles ATU.RetrieveDone
Me.UpdateTimer.Enabled = False
If e.Forums Is Nothing Then
End If
Me.UpdateTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateTopicListView(ByVal Topics As ResultsCollection)
For index As Integer = 0 To Topics.Count - 1
Dim LI As New ListViewItem
... Create LI Item ...
Dim NewB As New Button
If Not TopicInList(Topics.Item(index).TopicID) Then
End If
Dim Message As String
Message = "{0} new topic updates have been retrieved from {1}"
Me.ShowPopup(String.Format(Message, Topics.Count,
End Sub
Private Sub ShowPopup(ByVal Message As String, Optional ByVal TimeOut As
Integer = 0)
Dim displaytime As Integer
If TimeOut < 1000 Then
displaytime = ClientSettings.PopupTime * 1000
displaytime = TimeOut
End If
Dim PW As New PopupWindow
PW.SetProperties(NewMessagePopup.Blend, Message, displaytime)
End Sub
And here's routine that creates the popup in a seperate windows form.
Public Sub ShowPopup()
Dim tbl As TaskBarLocation
Dim workingArea As Rectangle
Dim pt As Point
pt = New Point
pt.X = 0 : pt.Y = 0
workingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea
tbl = GetTaskBarLocation()
Select Case tbl
Case TaskBarLocation.Bottom
pt.X = workingArea.Right - Me.Width
pt.Y = workingArea.Bottom - Me.Height
Case TaskBarLocation.Left
pt.X = workingArea.Left
pt.Y = workingArea.Bottom - Me.Height
Case TaskBarLocation.Right
pt.X = workingArea.Right - Me.Width
pt.Y = workingArea.Bottom - Me.Height
Case TaskBarLocation.Top
pt.X = workingArea.Right - Me.Width
pt.Y = workingArea.Top
End Select
Me.Visible = False
Me.Top = pt.Y
Me.Left = pt.X
Me.Visible = True
tmrStartFade.Enabled = True
End Sub
I've done some more research and it appears the problem is caused using
timers. I've used both System.Timers.Timer and System.Windows.Forms.Timer and
both give the same result, a black box that appears and then disappears. If I
call the ShowPopup subroutine by clicking a button, it displays correctly. If
the timer causes the form to be displayed, I get the black box.
Here's the logic steps used:
1) Timer.Tick event occurs
2) Tick Handler creates a new AsyncUpdater and invokes the GetUpdate method
3) GetUpdate creates a new thread and begins the remoting call
4) Once GetUpdate has completed the remoting call, the event RetrieveDone is
5) The main form handles the event causing a list view to update it's list
of items.
6) The ShowPopup method is called to display the popup.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I can't understand why the
manual invoking (pressing a button) works but the event handler doesn't.