Show Table subsheets in 2007



Is there a way to show subsheet view in Access 2007? In 2003 I could attach a
subsheet that would show the data related to the record in another table.

I can't find where to turn that on in 2007... and feel pretty dumb! :(

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

First let me admonish you gently. Users should never be looking at data in
tables. Tables are for storing data only. Microsoft designs great programs,
but unfortunately, they are not professional database programmers and they
often succumb to suggestions from their marketing department. Just because
it's possible to do something, doesn't mean it's good to do. I could explain
why, but that shouldn't be necessary.

Second, let me remind you that subdatasheets cause extremely poor
performance. You probably won't notice with a small amount of records, but
it will be very noticeable as the number of records grows. Again, explaining
why shouldn't be necessary.

So now that I've hopefully changed your mind, let me tell you how to do what
you want. Open the table in Design View. Right-click and choose properties.
Look for the subdatasheet property.


Thank you, and I agree with your admonishment, and normally do not allow my
users to see the tables.

In this case I am building a db to track student completions of tasks in
Veterinary Technician Program. I know how to build the structure but the two
doctors I am working with have a better idea of the how to match tasks with
the accreditation standards.

I have split the database, so they cannot acually make changes in the
tables, but they can open the subsheets to see if things are lined up
correctly. Once we have everything up and running the subsheets will be
removed, no fear.

Thanks again for the advice and help, I really appreciate all the support we
get from the MVPs.


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