friedemannkunze via OfficeKB.com
Dear members,
I'm using the functions Find and FindNext from Outlook object model to get
some appointments from Outlook calendar. My goal is to show the searchresult
(received appointments) within Outlook like a resultlist.
In Outlook 2003 I've seen the function over the menu View > Sort > Current
View > Active Appointments (translated from german Outlook version) which
shows me all active appointments. My intetion is to list my searched
appointments in a list like that. That's exactlly the thing I need.
Is here someone able to help me? Thanks a lot.
I'm using the functions Find and FindNext from Outlook object model to get
some appointments from Outlook calendar. My goal is to show the searchresult
(received appointments) within Outlook like a resultlist.
In Outlook 2003 I've seen the function over the menu View > Sort > Current
View > Active Appointments (translated from german Outlook version) which
shows me all active appointments. My intetion is to list my searched
appointments in a list like that. That's exactlly the thing I need.
Is here someone able to help me? Thanks a lot.