I am fairly new to Access, but am learning quickly. I am trying to figure out a way to generate a custom report and could really use some assistance.
What I have gotten figured out so far
I have a query that generates a list of sellers and the total of their record from one table based on a selected date range. In the date field of the query I put the criteria "Between [StartDate] And [EndDate]", this gets me my list. The last column is a percentage based on two of the other fields
What I want to do
I want to create a report that will give me all the sellers information out of this list whos percentage is below the average. I first need to add up all the records in this list and use generate the percentage. This would be my average percentage. Then for the report I want to take the results of my query, and only select those records for the report whos value in the "percentage" column is below the average that I had to calculate
I know this is probably more complex that someone has a specific answer for, but if someone can show me the path to take to make this work, and remember I am new to this so if you can break down those steps down into failry simple ideas I would really appreciate it.
Thank you for all of your assistance, I have learned alot from reading this group already
What I have gotten figured out so far
I have a query that generates a list of sellers and the total of their record from one table based on a selected date range. In the date field of the query I put the criteria "Between [StartDate] And [EndDate]", this gets me my list. The last column is a percentage based on two of the other fields
What I want to do
I want to create a report that will give me all the sellers information out of this list whos percentage is below the average. I first need to add up all the records in this list and use generate the percentage. This would be my average percentage. Then for the report I want to take the results of my query, and only select those records for the report whos value in the "percentage" column is below the average that I had to calculate
I know this is probably more complex that someone has a specific answer for, but if someone can show me the path to take to make this work, and remember I am new to this so if you can break down those steps down into failry simple ideas I would really appreciate it.
Thank you for all of your assistance, I have learned alot from reading this group already