Hi, smboyd.
By "fill in", I presume you mean to display the useful phone, fax, etc., and
not STORE it redundantly in the RecordSource of the current form. You need
only store the Owner and Owner Contact ID's.
I will assume a table structure like this:
T_OwnerID AutoNumber or Integer (Primary Key)
ContactName Text
T_Owner Contact
T_OwnerContactID AutoNumber or Integer (Primary Key)
T_OwnerID Integer (Foreign Key to T_Owner)
ContactName Text
I will also assume that the T_Owner and T_Owner Contact combo boxes on your
form *display* the name but store the numeric code, i.e., the Column Count =
2, the Bound Column = 1, the ColumnWidths = 0";x", x being some number.
Include any field you wish to display on the form in the RowSource property
of the 2nd combo box (you can use the wizard to do this). To limit the list
to those corresponding to only those associated with the current owner, add a
WHERE clause to the Row Source statement:
SELECT T_Owner Contact.T_Owner ContactID, T_Owner Contact.ContactName,
T_Owner Contact.Address, T_Owner Contact.City, T_Owner Contact.State, T_Owner
FROM T_Owner Contact
WHERE T_Owner Contact.OwnerID = Me!YourOwnerIDComboBox;
You will need to requery the combo box each time the owner changes, or the
user moves to another record (the first combo box' AfterUpdate event
procedure and the form's OnCurrent event procedure):
Hope that helps.