With my split, multi-user, secured Access 2000 db, I have 3 user groups -
Admins, Read-Only, and Full-User (built-in groups). I'd like to disable or
hide some command buttons I have on my switchboard - "User Maintenance", and
"Change Password" for all but Admins. I have code that finds out which group
the logged-in user belongs to, but it doesn't allow the non-Admin users to
run it:
strUserLevel = Workspaces(0).Users(Workspaces(0).UserName).Groups(0).Name
so I can't hide or show objects based on the user level.
- Is this by design, or is there a way to do this?
Admins, Read-Only, and Full-User (built-in groups). I'd like to disable or
hide some command buttons I have on my switchboard - "User Maintenance", and
"Change Password" for all but Admins. I have code that finds out which group
the logged-in user belongs to, but it doesn't allow the non-Admin users to
run it:
strUserLevel = Workspaces(0).Users(Workspaces(0).UserName).Groups(0).Name
so I can't hide or show objects based on the user level.
- Is this by design, or is there a way to do this?