Rick said:
I've always assumed that similar to the use of [Pages] that such
structure simply forces the report or section to be processed twice
(or retreat) so that values that would superficially seem to be
unavailable because "they haven't been calculated yet" are in fact
available in those prior sections.
That was my first thought too, Rick. So I ran a test with a
Debug.Print in each event procedure and there was NO
"double" processing. It's as if there's an evaluation tree
for the whole report and the calculations are done as
early(?) as possible.
This kind of "early" calculation seems to befuddle
RunningSum calculations. The "out of order" value of a
group footer text box that refers to a detail running sum
text box is the initial value. Furthermore, the header
reference to the group footer total seems to "lock" the
group footer value so that it does not reflect the final
value of the running sum text box. Wow, is that a confusing
statement or what. Let's try an example:
Group Header:
=txtGrpCount 1
txtRunCount =1 (runsum) 1,2,3
Group Footer (with the group header reference)
txtGrpCount =txtRunCount 1
Group Footer (without group header reference)
txtGrpCount =txtRunCount 3