M MaxLamer Oct 2, 2003 #1 Hi EVrybodri! Just a quicky: how do I instruct EXCEL to show the Replace dialogbox? Thx! G
M MaxLamer Oct 2, 2003 #3 Thx Tom! Can I populate the dialog box somehow? Fill in the field "Replace What" with a string of my own? Thx, G.
Thx Tom! Can I populate the dialog box somehow? Fill in the field "Replace What" with a string of my own? Thx, G.
T Tom Ogilvy Oct 2, 2003 #4 Sub macro3() Cells.Select Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA.REPLACE?(""ABC"", ""CDF"")" End Sub the format it: FORMULA.REPLACE?(find_text, replace_text, look_at, look_by, active_cell, match_case) -- ---- or ------- Sub macro4() Cells.Select Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormulaReplace).Show "ABC", "CDF" End Sub
Sub macro3() Cells.Select Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "FORMULA.REPLACE?(""ABC"", ""CDF"")" End Sub the format it: FORMULA.REPLACE?(find_text, replace_text, look_at, look_by, active_cell, match_case) -- ---- or ------- Sub macro4() Cells.Select Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormulaReplace).Show "ABC", "CDF" End Sub