Show Common Tasks in Folder Option



I have recently changed computers and on my old computer I had the "show
common tasks in folder option" on and would be able to see a preview of the
file i had highlighted on the left side of the window under the details. On
the new computer I have that option on but can no longer see the preview when
I have a file highlighted. Is there a way I can get that back?


Ssilva said:
I have recently changed computers and on my old computer I had the "show
common tasks in folder option" on and would be able to see a preview of
file i had highlighted on the left side of the window under the details.
the new computer I have that option on but can no longer see the preview
I have a file highlighted. Is there a way I can get that back?

See if the following helps:

In the Run dialog box or in the Command Prompt type:

regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

Good Luck.


I still can't see the preview. It's mostly .pdf files that I would want to
see the preview for if that helps at all.

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