<p><%# Server.HtmlEncode(Eval("Caption").ToString()) %>
This is not my code.
I'm not sure when to Encode and when to Decode but I think in markup one
wold Decode.
I think Decode changes %20 to a space. Right?
Somethings funny because I tried both Encode and Decode but I still see %20
in the text in the browser.
Should it be Encode or Decode?
<p><%# Server.HtmlEncode(Eval("Caption").ToString()) %>
This is not my code.
I'm not sure when to Encode and when to Decode but I think in markup one
wold Decode.
I think Decode changes %20 to a space. Right?
Somethings funny because I tried both Encode and Decode but I still see %20
in the text in the browser.
Should it be Encode or Decode?