Should I let Intel MB run all the cooling fans?

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In the BIOS, is it better to let Intel run "all" the cooling fans instead of
just the CPU fan? What are the advantages and disadvantages of it either
way.....Intel D915 on this machine.

softwareguru said:
In the BIOS, is it better to let Intel run "all" the cooling fans instead
of just the CPU fan? What are the advantages and disadvantages of it
either way.....Intel D915 on this machine.


There should be no difference. If you turn the option off, I would expect
all the fans to run at highest speed settings. I'd let Intel run 'all' the
cooling fans, though. That is, unless you are having some kind of heat
issue. -Dave
Thanks Dave: Yes, I am having some heat problems. It is in a computer desk
that the door closes on and of course that reduces the air flow. I did drill
6 2" holes in the side of the enclosed area but it still seems to run hot...
But, the noise drives you crazy.......Also, the LH side fan is blowing in
now. When I got the computer from a local shop it was blowing out. It seems
that nobody agrees on which way the side fan with the screen should blow the
softwareguru said:
Thanks Dave: Yes, I am having some heat problems. It is in a computer desk
that the door closes on and of course that reduces the air flow. I did
drill 6 2" holes in the side of the enclosed area but it still seems to
run hot...
But, the noise drives you crazy.......Also, the LH side fan is blowing in
now. When I got the computer from a local shop it was blowing out. It
seems that nobody agrees on which way the side fan with the screen should
blow the air...

It should be blowing in, probably. You want more fans blowing in than
blowing out, or an equal number of each. The power supply fan(s) blow out,
so that counts as one fan blowing out. So if you have three case fans (for
example), two should be pushing air into the case. If you add another case
fan (for 4 case fans), then 3 should be pushing air into the case. -Dave
softwareguru said:
Thanks Dave: Yes, I am having some heat problems. It is in a computer desk
that the door closes on and of course that reduces the air flow. I did drill 6
2" holes in the side of the enclosed area but it still seems to run hot...
But, the noise drives you crazy...

A wood desk drawer/cubby will be a rather good insulator. I doubt that 6 holes
in one side of the enclosure will do much good with only static circulation.

I would set up some kind of forced circulation in the enclosure, starting with
an exhaust fan high and near the PS exhaust.
Thanks Dave: Yes, I am having some heat problems. It is in a computer desk
that the door closes on and of course that reduces the air flow. I did drill
6 2" holes in the side of the enclosed area but it still seems to run hot...
But, the noise drives you crazy.......Also, the LH side fan is blowing in
now. When I got the computer from a local shop it was blowing out. It seems
that nobody agrees on which way the side fan with the screen should blow the

Try both and use the one that gives the lowest temp. I have mine
blowing out, but I already have one case fan in the front blowing air
in, and having the side fan blowing out reduced the temperature.