Mark K Vallevand
When I run fbreseal, how should it behave?
Connect using Remote Desktop.
I open a command window and enter 'fbreseal'.
The command prompt returns.
The desktop becomes unresponsive.
The machine is busy accessing the disk.
The Remote Desktop connection is lost.
Now what?
If I have the right components included, I can push the
power button, and XPe gracefully shuts down.
If the right components aren't there (or my machine
doesn't support APCI), I have to drop power.
I'd expect fbreseal to actually shut down the machine.
EWF is enabled and committed when I run fbreseal.
Mark K Vallevand
Connect using Remote Desktop.
I open a command window and enter 'fbreseal'.
The command prompt returns.
The desktop becomes unresponsive.
The machine is busy accessing the disk.
The Remote Desktop connection is lost.
Now what?
If I have the right components included, I can push the
power button, and XPe gracefully shuts down.
If the right components aren't there (or my machine
doesn't support APCI), I have to drop power.
I'd expect fbreseal to actually shut down the machine.
EWF is enabled and committed when I run fbreseal.
Mark K Vallevand