shorter formula / not array?: every other col..

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hi, don't know if easier way to setup a formula for saving space & making
more dynamic for adding / deleting columns, but have formula using sets of 2
colums in an equation for price and quantity. doing by hand makes a long -
unwieldy equation. is there a formula or method to overcome? thanks

example using is:


hi, hard to see, but it's there, next item after AB4*AE4,(AE4*AF4)+any other
cells that happended to be filled, works accurately as it is; trying
previous posting, here, out. thanks, will check back if that does not work.
that is too cool.. never would have got that, didn't know column was a
function.. was able to add/del columns.. thanks
hi, looked up / understand some of formula, but have problem with applying to
another column, am I missing something with neg signs: -- ?
can you help with this formula? (is not working) thanks



You need to know whether the first column i,e. R in this case, is odd or
even. R is even so the test needs to be changed as above.
or to make it generic ...
