Shortcuts to website - favicons


Steven K

I do wonder what the problem is - bookmarking websites with favicons show up
in the Favorites properly and permanent(favicon) but a shortcut to such a
website (on the dektop) forgets this icon very soon reverting to the default



Hi Steven,

Since they are "maintained" in the TIF's their life is short; can be
overwritten, replaced, etc. Clearing the Cache usually clears the Favicons.

You can do this:

Use a program like Favorg or Faviconizer to "maintain" the favicons. This
site offers Favorg1.4 as freeware.



My choice -having used apps such as those I mentioned - is to not use them,
but rather *COPY* a favicon from the TIF's into a folder cleverly called
"Icons" <s> which I keep in my C Drive. Then when a site has a favicon, I
simply COPY it to that folder and re-name it whatever I want. *Never cut the
icon from the TIF's* - you will corrupt the Index.dat file. Thereafter it is
a relatively simple process: R-Click IE Icon>Properties>change icon>Browse
to folder>select icon of choice>OK>Apply>OK out. They will never be lost
again, even if one uses TweakUI or SysiconCleaner, or renews the

Use Find>Files and folders favicon (or sometimes "wildcard" *.ico in
the TIFs/ Content.IE5 folder) to find them rapidly.

For any given Icon which you had and is now lost, re-visit the web site.
Sometimes they will re-load the icon, and then keep the new page as a
Favorite or shortcut. You can also do a Google>image>"blah-blah website"
icon search. For instance:

Then, using a photo editor such as IrfanView (for instance) which is
freeware, save and resize the icon to 32 x 32 pixels as an .ico file. Place
it in your newly created Icon folder and follow the aforementioned process
to create long lasting (read permanent) icons that do not disappear like a
scent in the wind. :)

To retrieve lost Favicons, go to the base URL and append /favicon to it in
the address bar. This will often display the Favicon of the site. Save it by
the method I have described above.


I just checked these and they are presently not working, but they previously
were. Regardless, the principle still applies.


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One other thing Steven: I usually convert the existing URL Favicon of pages
I really wish to identifiably maintain to the identical .ICO icon
immediately. (using the method I described in my prior post) This keeps the
Desktop Shortcuts permanent.
That is... barring any unforeseen disaster, which is not that common, and
I'm not going to bother you with it. Ask Alan Edwards about it; He'll tell
you. <VBG> Anyway, it is not anything you need be concerned with, so don't
bother yourself or worry about it. It was a kind of "inside" joke.

So, simply do as I have describe here and previously, and you'll be "good to
go". ;-)

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Steven K

LuckyStrike said:
One other thing Steven: I usually convert the existing URL Favicon of
pages I really wish to identifiably maintain to the identical .ICO icon
immediately. (using the method I described in my prior post) This keeps
the Desktop Shortcuts permanent.
That is... barring any unforeseen disaster, which is not that common, and
I'm not going to bother you with it. Ask Alan Edwards about it; He'll tell
you. <VBG> Anyway, it is not anything you need be concerned with, so don't
bother yourself or worry about it. It was a kind of "inside" joke.

So, simply do as I have describe here and previously, and you'll be "good
to go". ;-)

Hey, thanks LuckyStrike, I got FavIconizer and think exactly this should be
an integral part (function) of IE6.

great tip!

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