MR said:
Hi, Is there anyways to place a shortcut to Program files (C:\Program
files), in the part where one clicks on the start button (bottom left
corner) > then where that rectangular blue box opens up? I want to know if
the short cut can be placed there.
I seem to access (C:\Program files) frequently. I know that I can easily
access many programs by clicking the start button>all programs. But, not all
programs are listed there. or are they?
If you want quick access to the shortcut, create shortcut on desktop.
Make sure drag and drop is enabled for your start menu.
Drag the shortcut to start (start menu should open) and then drag the
shortcut to the list of items just below your account name. That's the only
place shy of going into "All Programs" that you can drop the shortcut
Other options include dropping the shortcut into the quick launch bar or
"All Programs" area.
Directories to quick launch and Programs if you can't drag and drop are:
C:\Documents and Settings\%User Name%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet
Explorer\Quick Launch\
C:\Documents and Settings\%User Name%\Start Menu\Programs\...
NOTE: Substtute your account name for %User Name%
As for the second part of your question, there should be no real reason to
do this (exception could be to watch if any spyware or otherwise unwanted
malware tries to install itself into the "program files" directory). All
correctly installed programs should already be in your start menu. If not,
you should create a link to them and place those into your start menu.
Running a program from a shortcut rather than just clicking on the executable
provides the program with usefull data, such as start directory,
compatibility modes, and any command line switches you might want.