Shortcut to Network Connections

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tommy
  • Start date Start date


is it possible to open the network connections windows under XP or
network and dialup connections windows under Win2K by the address bar
in internet explorer 6 ? i'm looking for a shortcut through IE not via
Start-Run command.

many thanks
Hi Tommy,

Well I tried this and it worked. It requires making a registry entry under
Internet Explorers SearchURL key. Here are the steps.

1. Create a shortcut in a Folder that runs the following command

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,4

for example I had this file in my links folder (clicking on a link is far
more easier than typing a command in the Address Bar)

2. Create a subkey under the following registry key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl

Give it the name of the command that you want to use to launch the shortcut
from the Address Bar. Say 'Connect'

3. Enter the fully qualified file name to the link in the default value for
this new sub-key. say

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites\Links\Connections.lnk

Now on the Task Bar Address Bar you can enter a command like Connect
sdfkdjsa (you need some text to follow after the command for the searchURL
to launch the shortcut)

When you launch the Command from IE's Address Bar you will be prompted to
open or save the file. You can safely choose Open. To get rid of the file
prompt in IE you will have to remove .lnk files from IE's Unsafe file list.
I will leave it to you to research how to do this.