Shortcut icon in browser favorites


Robert W. King

Hi folks!

Something I've been noticing for a while is the occurrence of custom
shortcut icons for specific web sites that are visible in the Favorites.
I've tried to research this in FrontPage, but so far have found nothing that
appears to apply. How would I go about adding such an icon for my own web
site using FrontPage 2003?

Robert W. King
I'm an ingenieur, NOT a bloody locomotive driver!
SnailNet: 19023 TV Tower Rd, Winslow, Arkansas 72959
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Web site:

Steve Easton

It's called a favicon

Check out

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Steve Easton

You're welcome.


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer

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