Tweak UI is one app but I don't think there is one for Vista yet.
How's everything at
Registry Settings
System Key:
Shell Icons]
Value Name: 29
Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value Data: Icon Filename
To Change the Icon:
Open the key
Explorer\Shell Icons] and create a new string value, or modify the
existing value, called '29'. Set it to equal the filename, including
path, for the icon you want to use for the shortcut arrow. By setting
this to a blank icon it has a similar effect to the removal method above,
without the side effects.
Restart Windows for the changes to take effect.
Jeff said:
Anyone still have a link to that app that let's ya get rid of
shortcut arrows?
The one that causes no issues?
(we don't need no stinkin arrows)
QL convert