short prompt?

  • Thread starter Thread starter sali
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xp, dir /x gives short and long filename, for files and directories.

when working with files [notepad f.e.], short name is ok, notepad however
shows long name on title bar.

cd to short-named dir is also ok, cd performs, but, *prompt* is damaged, it
keeps to show short directory name!
prompt is standard, "$p$g". issuing new "prompt $p$g" doesn't solve the
promt problem.

is it possible to cd to short-named dir, but prompt to show full, long name?

In said:
xp, dir /x gives short and long filename, for files and

when working with files [notepad f.e.], short name is ok,
notepad however shows long name on title bar.

cd to short-named dir is also ok, cd performs, but, *prompt* is
damaged, it keeps to show short directory name!
prompt is standard, "$p$g". issuing new "prompt $p$g" doesn't
solve the promt problem.

is it possible to cd to short-named dir, but prompt to show
full, long name?

I know only of a 3rd-party tool.

===== scr cap ====
D:\U2\MADDOG~1>fixp /?
FixPrompt v1.5 -- (c) 2000 Matt Ginzton, MaDdoG Software

Restores the NT command prompt to full long-filenames.
Usage: fixp


D:\U2\MADDOG~1>cd D:\U2\MaDdoG_Utils


CmdUtils -- (c) 1998-2000 Matt Ginzton, MaDdoG Software
collection release 1.5: 5/28/2000
Web site:
Mark V said:
In said:
xp, dir /x gives short and long filename, for files and

when working with files [notepad f.e.], short name is ok,
notepad however shows long name on title bar.

is it possible to cd to short-named dir, but prompt to show
full, long name?

I know only of a 3rd-party tool.
CmdUtils -- (c) 1998-2000 Matt Ginzton, MaDdoG Software
collection release 1.5: 5/28/2000
Web site:

good to know about this toolset, but sorry for not found *built-in* solution

since cmd prompt is now more powerfull than ever [at least regarding ms],
and typing filenames/dirnames as shortname is extremely handy, shouldn't be
this prompt display malfunction regarded as small bug [rather than feature]
good to know about this toolset, but sorry for not found
*built-in* solution
since cmd prompt is now more powerfull than ever [at least
regarding ms], and typing filenames/dirnames as shortname is
extremely handy, shouldn't be this prompt display malfunction
regarded as small bug [rather than feature]

One makeshift solution is to go to the long name folder, then have
one's wicked ways with the short name version, and then change back.
Like below:

@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
cd C:\Documents and Settings
pushd "%cd%"
cd C:\DOCUME~1
endlocal & goto :EOF

The (condensed) output would be something like

C:\Documents and Settings>c:\_d\test\cmdfaq

Volume in drive C is GARF_C
Volume Serial Number is 3C9D-39B5
Directory of C:\DOCUME~1

[.] [..] [All Users]
0 File(s) 0 bytes
9 Dir(s) 69 888 094 208 bytes free

Volume in drive C is GARF_C
Volume Serial Number is 3C9D-39B5
Directory of C:\Documents and Settings

[.] [..] [All Users]
0 File(s) 0 bytes
9 Dir(s) 69 888 094 208 bytes free

C:\Documents and Settings>

All the best, Timo