Beladi Nasrallah
The reference design PCB for nVidia 8800GT is 229 mm, or 9" long.
The non-reference PCB from Gigabyte is shorter. From my measurements
of the card from the available pictures (e.g.http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125081),
its length is 210 mm +-5 mm.
The ATI 3850/70 cards are long, too. They are of the same length as
the reference 8800GT cards. However, here is the very short non-
reference design 3850 card (something like 190 mm long),
http://en.expreview.com/?p=100 (Unika)
http://en.expreview.com/?p=63 (MAXSUN)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814140086 (Apollo)
Actually, all of these ATI cards are using the PCB developed by the
Taiwanese company Triplex. It also produces the "short" 3850 and 3870,
as was announced on 2 January 2008, http://www.triplex.com.tw/english/products/ati/hd3870.htm
I wonder where I could get this card (short 3870, that is) ? Will it
be exported to North America/Australia/Western Europe ??? When ??