shoping basket in FP?

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Hi! I want to design a page with a shoping basket (customer click on
product, price and page automatically updates, showing total). Can someone
here help me, how to go about it? Can I use only FP or I will have to use
some other program, which?
Thank You for any advice
First find what server side technologies your host supports: ASP,
asp.NET, PHP, Perl/CGI etc., which databases are supported: Access, MS
SQL Server, MySQL...

Then search Google for a shopping cart application that will work with
those technologies.

For a Windows server that supports ASP and Access, Candypress is a
reasonable start. (

You can do this in FrontPage alone, but you need a lot of programming
skills - and why re-invent the wheel?
There's also a shopping cart at - you sign up and get many
different things for free (probably as shareware, linkware, and what have
you - or trial versions of such things as shopping carts which you can then

Bravenet's a good start for all-round net utilities from guest books to
email forms to survey & opinion polls.