Shockwave Flash Killed Java



I installed macromedia shockwave flash to view an animation on a website. It
killed my java plug-in, somehow. I play chess at yahoo and now when the
applet opens it just gives me a window full of symbols. I have tried all
kinds of checks, tabs, buttons, installs, deletes, prayers, and incantations.
I am now ready for the answer.


I just tried again, (for the 3rd or 4th time) and downloaded the Sun version
and installed it. When I try to enter the chess room a window opens but just
fills with a bunch of code characters and not an applet. Part of the fix I
got from the Yahoo games help folks was to remove the Yahoo Chess from the
downloaded program files, then let it reinstall on demand when I clicked on a
chess room. I removed it but it doesn't download when I enter a room. I just
get the same thing. It's like another program is being forced to open the
java applet and it just displays the applet as some kind of wierd computer
language. (Related Question) I used to just use the Microsoft Virtual Machine
version that was on when I loaded XP. Now that I've downloaded the Sun
version have I bumped the MSVM off? I don't understand why another program
seems to be registered as the plugin for applets. Will I need to regedit? If
so what do I do?


I'm confident that Java is working fine. I am able to switch between Sun and
MSVM and get good "Java Tests" with either version. I tried to uninstall the
Macromedia software from the "downloaded programs" folder, but I did not get
a clean uninstall. An error popped up but the file disappeared from the
folder. So I am looking for a recommendation. Can anyone tell me how to edit
my registry to make sure I am clean and clear of the macromedia macros? I
can't believe one little click corrupted my system so bad that I'm
considering reloading the OS. I even tried a system restore and I cannot get
into a yahoo chess room.

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