Shocking truth about IE7, office 2007 and Vista design revealed!!!

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progressive realization

In the 5 year period between windows releases Microsoft has a special
project that was "top secret".
They had sent expeditions to Africa to find the best quality baboons they
could find.
The reason for this is was a idea that flashed into the mind of Bill Gates
when he was visiting his local zoo.

"What if we could tap into the animal instinct and use that to help us
create better User Interfaces???"

The expedition smuggled 10 baboons and flied them to Redmond where after 3
months of training they were
put as heads if User Interface design for Vista, office2007, and Internet
explorer 7.
Using normal offices, wearing suites etc these monkeys were part of the
Microsoft team!

"It was a change for sure, and that's what we wanted for Vista products"
said the personnel manager of Microsoft.
"We wanted to tap into the animal instinct and give vista a "masculine"
felling and look.
One word was on our mind, change change change.. we didn't really know what
to change or how to change it
but we did need change, that's the role the monkeys played."

"Our idea was that we believe that animals are far more intelligent than
with think. Baboons are primates like us
and share 99% of our dna... we wanted them to lead us in this new era and
guide us with their instincts.
Hey and it was fun monkeying around with the baboons on the coffee breaks

"The way the baboons taught us how to design Vista and the other new
products was ingenious!
We made special building blocks of various designs.. and we let the monkeys
play around with them...
after some time one monkey made the vista start menu, another one made the
Internet explorer 7 interface...
and another made the office 2007 ribbon!"
"We would have never thought of these designs on our own!!!" Said one of the
senior developers for vista...

However this news when leaked this week created much controversy. Microsoft
was using animals for
their own purposes, taking advantage of them, paying them only with bananas
and coffee and an occasional smoke...

Microsoft spokesman, Gregory Nevel said to the press:
"It is our decision to put them on the payroll from now on.. if they are
good enough for making vista, they should be
able to go online and order as many bananas as they want"
Great post until the last line.... :-)

The simple fact that you can not move the forward and back buttons, you have
to ckick favorites to get to history, lack of toolbar customization...I
could go on....that is why Maxthon will be, has been my browser of choice.
Uses the engine of IE7 and adds all the good stuff to it.
So that's where history has gone.

The monkeys hid that one good!

RHinNC said:
Great post until the last line.... :-)

The simple fact that you can not move the forward and back buttons, you have
to ckick favorites to get to history, lack of toolbar customization...I
could go on....that is why Maxthon will be, has been my browser of choice.
Uses the engine of IE7 and adds all the good stuff to it.
progressive said:
In the 5 year period between windows releases Microsoft has a special
project that was "top secret".
They had sent expeditions to Africa to find the best quality baboons they
could find.


"Our idea was that we believe that animals are far more intelligent than
with think. Baboons are primates like us
and share 99% of our dna...

Actually it is chimpanzees that share 99% of our DNA. Baboons are more
distant cousins.
Maxthon is based on IE6 SP1 not IE7

RHinNC said:
Great post until the last line.... :-)

The simple fact that you can not move the forward and back buttons, you
have to ckick favorites to get to history, lack of toolbar
customization...I could go on....that is why Maxthon will be, has been my
browser of choice. Uses the engine of IE7 and adds all the good stuff to
I know but because chimps are smarter than baboons I didnt want to use them
for my story...
Maxthon is a shell and will use whatever IE rendering engine you have
if you have ie7 installed thats what it will use!


Rex Geissinger said:
Maxthon is based on IE6 SP1 not IE7
progressive realization said:
Maxthon is a shell and will use whatever IE rendering engine you have
if you have ie7 installed thats what it will use!

Microsoft has corrected some of the user interface problems, but,
overall, the interfaces are extremely poorly designed.
What we have is not Vista, but Windows ME II.