Shift cells

  • Thread starter Thread starter gary
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gary wrote :
Is there a way to move cells beginning with '0A' from Col B to Col C?

Do you mean IF the colB cell contents begin with "OA" then you want to
move the contents to colC and clear the contents from the cell in colB?
If so then you need to loop the range and use either the Left$()
function to see if the 1st 2 characters = "OA",

or use the InStr() function to see if "OA" = 1 for position.

Either would be nested in an If...Then construct.

Use a For Each loop to iterate colB.
Use Offset(, 1) to put the value in colC
Use .ClearContents on the cell in colB

Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("B1:B?") 'edit range address to suit
If InStr(1, c.Text, "OA") = 1 Then '//comment out to suit
If Left$(c.Text, 2) = "OA" Then '//comment out to suit
c.Offset(, 1) = c.Value: c.ClearContents
End If
Next 'c

If there's a lot of cells to process then I suggest 'dumping' the range
(both cols) into an array, work the array in memory, then 'dump' the
data back into the sheet. In this case you'd use a counter with

Dim v As Variant, i As Long
v = Range("B1:C?") 'edit range address to suit
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
If Left(v(i, 1), 2) = "OA" Then '//comment out to suit
If InStr(1, v(i, 1), "OA") = 1 Then '//comment out to suit
v(i, 2) = v(i, 1): v(i, 1) = vbNullString
End If
Next 'i
Range("B1:C?") = v 'edit range address to suit