These are valid HTML tags: <! Comment --> <Alpha> </Alpha>
But, due to the leading space, < Alpha> is not.
Things like &Unknown are sent through untranslated, for obvious reasons.
Pass HTM_TXT.EXE a .HTML file and it spits out a .TXT file.
If RegEx is as powerful as you say,
you should be able to produce something that works at least as well,
and which is just as readable, or more, to me.
Here is the code. I wrote this fast since I had a few minutes while the
dishwasher finished. It doesn't handle the  . I wanted to ask you
what you wanted with that? Stripped? Converted? And are we only
looking for  ? I'll add that in once I know the answer.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public sealed class App
public static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length > 0)
// original text buffer
string htmlText = null;
// read in the file
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (args [0]))
htmlText = sr.ReadToEnd ();
// strip the tags...
htmlText = Regex.Replace (
@"<(?:/{1}|[a-zA-z]+|! +)[\s\S]*?>",
// write the file...
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (Path.ChangeExtension (args [0], "TXT")))
sw.Write (htmlText);
Console.WriteLine ("No File Name Supplied");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString ());
Someone more expert in regex might be able to do it better

I have
never been an expert, and I haven't done it for quite some time - but
there you have it.
Here is the modified input (modified to see if it followed the rules):
<Html>< head><title>Jeff Relf's Home Page</title></head><body><pre>
Welcome to my home page:
e-mail: (e-mail address removed)
I'm Jeff Relf and I was born in North Seattle at the start of 1960
to a Mormon family consisting of two parents, four brothers and one sister.
My first programming was on HP and TI calculators starting around 1974.
( e.g. in 1976, the HP 67 with it's magnetic cards ).
I broke and lost many of them.
<! Comment -->
I've been programming professionally since the start of 1982,
but I play much more than I work ( like a starving artist, if you will ).
Here's my favorite pointing device:
This link shows my ramblings on Usenet ( Google Groups ):
<a href="">
This link shows a Picture of me from around the start of 2003:
<a href="">
Here's my main man:
<a href="">
Here's Einstein, another guy I like:
<a href=""></a>
This link shows my daughter, Jenny, at her wedding ( Mid 2003 ):
<a href="">
Here's my son, Jeff, at the Moab MUni Fest, summer 2001:
<a href="">
Here's my ex, Janeen, at the Moab MUni Fest, summer 2001:
<a href="">
Here are my style sheet overrides for Moz FireFox 1.0,
userChrome.CSS and userContent.CSS:
<a href="">
<a href="">
They make pages look like this:
<a href="">
Here is my HTML to TXT converter:
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
If, for example, you pass it a file named index.HTM ,
it creates a file called index.TXT .
Here is my CPU/hard_disk benchmarker:
<a href="">
<a href="">
<a href="">
( Tom is someone I met in Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy )
For example, if you run Tom.EXE, you'll see that a 1.7 GHz Vaio notebook,
with a Centrino and 2 megs of L2 cache, is much faster than my
cheap Compaq Presario desktop with 2.7 GHz,
256 RAM, 128K L2 cache, 8 megs of actual VRAM ( 64 by emulation )
6 USB ports, at least 6 audio jacks, and a 40 gig hard disk.
( It cost 229 USD after rebates... a close out )
A lower clock rate is very desirable for notebooks
as it has little effect on actual performacne
and the power consumed rises with the square of the clock rate.
Tom.EXE can test both the the speed of your CPU/cache while task-switching
as well as the speed of your hard disk while swaping out to virtual memory.
You run it in a DOS shell,
passing it how many threads you want it to simultaneously hold.
If you don't pass a parameter it will create as many simultaneous threads
as possible, thereby invoking all of your virtual memory
( making the swap file very active for about 3-7 minutes ).
These are the numbers I get on my box:
>>> Tom 2000
2,000 Simultaneous threads acheived.
58.7 Seconds per 100,000 simultaneously spawned/completed.
>>> Tom
14,032 Simultaneous threads acheived.
17.3 Minutes per 100,000 simultaneously spawned/completed.
The 100,000 simultaneous threads standard refers to
a conversation Ingo Molnar had with Linus Torvalds
( see ).
Here's X, my hand-rolled newsreader, Dialer, SMTP-AUTH and POP3 client:
X's settings are here:
<a href="">
The .EXE file ( for MS_Win_XP ):
<a href="">
The .CPP file ( MS_VC_7.1 ):
<a href="">
The next two files are optional.
This contains my project settings ( VS.NET 2003, Microsoft C++ 7.1 )
( you can edit it with notepad to change the directories used ):
<a href="">
This is just X's icon:
<a href="">
I use X a lot, it's the only newsreader I use.
I never have to screw around with views or sorting
because my X ( in VS.NET ) allows me to slickly/quickly search
the full text of a newsgroup in one file.
Cola.TXT ( Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ) is a 3.8 MB example of that:
<a href="">
This is what Cola.TXT looks like when browsing it in VS.NET:
<a href="">
X is using Bit_Stream.TTF, a good monospaced font ( free ):
<a href="">
X automatically excludes second-level quoting ( i.e. the " > > " )
HTML, PGP sigs, and other spam.
I have that newsgroup set up tp retain 2,000 unread articles,
800 read articles that were from/to me
( up to 5 levels away, per the Referencs header ),
and 200 read ( a.k.a. " Deleted " ) articles not To/From me.
A VBA macro assigned to F1 ( and a toolbar icon )
in Visual studio.NET appears to delete an article
but actually moves it to the end of the file
and prefixes it with the word " Deleted ".
X's VBA macros for VS.NET 2003:
<a href="">
Then, when X.EXE updates Cola.TXT the articles are sorted like this:
1. To/From Me Unread. Most recent First ( as found on the server ).
2. Unread not To/From Me. Most recent First.
3. Deleted not To/From Me. Most recent Last.
4. To/From Me Deleted. Most recent Last.
Although I plan on adding an editor to X,
it currently works best with VS.NET .
In VS, proper updating/viewing of In.TXT and Cola.TXT
requires that these two boxes be checked
in VS's Options --> Environment --> Documents:
1. Detect when file is changed outside the environment.
2. Auto-load changes
( if not not currently modified inside the environment ).
X's update to Cola.TXT is an element in VS' undo/redo list,
so you have to be careful when undoing things.
The update produces a report like this in X:
1 FromMe, 5 ToMe, 55 New.
1,987 UnRead, 500 Read, 500 Read FromTos.
The 5 most recent MIDs from the References header ( youngest first )
are tagged ( e.g. AAE__ ) for quicker/slicker searching in VS.NET:
One click on one of my toolbar's up/down arrows
finds what's under the text cursor ( repeatedly so, of course ).
Another pair of arrows only repeats the last search, up or down.
An article from a newsgroup begins something like this:
[email protected]
(e-mail address removed)
ABH__Z%isd.508650$D%.378252@attbi_s51 .
Re: Firefox stability
John_Bailo ( 4, 11.39 A, rVH4W _BP7FiP D Earthlink.NET, KNode_0_7_7 ),
This is the second line of the article's body.
X.CPP also handles SMTP-AUTH ( which works from anyone's LAN ).
Just put what you want to e-mail in the cut buffer
( the Del_Art VBA script, assigned to a toolbar icon,
does that automatically for me ).
The format of the e-mail must be like this:
Jack Black <
[email protected]>
Jane Peters <
[email protected]>
Albert <
[email protected]> .
Re: This is the title.
Hi Jack ( and Jane, Albert ), Blah blah.
When sending e-mails to multiple people,
the second address must be indeneted with exactly two spaces
and the last addess must end with a Space_Space_Dot .
Hit E-Mail in X's toolbar to send it.
Hitting In checks your POP3 account for e-mail,
appending your e-mails to the end of In.TXT .
Attachements are automatically placed in the shortcut's directory.
X will not send attachments
( because I prefer to use links to my web site instead ).
This link shows a .CPP to .HTML converter with syntax highlighting,
I didn't wrap it in a main() because I call it from WinMain()
( too complex to show here ):
<a href="[email protected]">
http://Google.COM/[email protected]</a>
Here's my Games.EXE program:
<a href="">
There's no help file.
It makes heavy use of my trackball ( wheel, 5 buttons ).
e.g. For quick exiting,
One of my buttons is set to Cntrl-F4 ( Close window ).
Games.EXE plays a kind of Random_Chess, Rapid Monopoly,
Random_Mario_Brothers, Reversie, and Solitaire.
The chess game is always one player ( white ),
and it's designed to be very very mindless.
Pieces can be quickly added or removed.
By default you have no king... so you can't lose.
Source code:
<a href="">
<a href="">
Project file ( VS.NET 2003, Microsoft C++ 7.1 ):
<a href="">
Here is my Dif.EXE program:
<a href="">
It compares two plain-text files via a shortcut ( .LNK ), e.g.:
Hit escape or Cntrl-F4 to exit. Use the wheel to move lines.
Hold down the middle mouse button as you move the wheel
to page up and down.
The screen's output is sent to
a file called AA.TXT in the starting directory.
Source code:
<a href="">
Project file ( VS.NET ):
<a href="">
Here are some quotes from Einstein: <<
People like us, who believe in physics,
know that the distinction between past, present,
and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. >>, <<
every true theorist is a kind of tamed metaphysicist,
no matter how pure a ' positivist '
he may fancy himself.
[ ... He believes in ] a conceptual system built on
premises of great simplicity. >>, <<
But the scientist is possessed by
the sense of universal causation. The future, to him,
is every whit as necessary and determined as the past. >>, <<
A human being is a part of a whole,
called by us ' Universe ',
a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
as something separated from the rest ...
a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. >>, <<
Everything is determined,
the beginning as well as the end,
by forces over which we have no control.
It is determined for the insects as well as the star.
Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust,
we all dance to a mysterious tune
intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. >>, <<
If [ God ] is omnipotent, then every occurrence,
including every human action, every human thought,
and Every human feeling and aspiration is also His work ;
how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for
their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty Being ?
In giving out punishment and rewards he would,
to a certain extent, be passing judgment on Himself.
How can this be combined with
the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him ? >>, <<
The more a man is imbued with
the ordered regularity of all events
the firmer becomes his conviction that
there is no room left by the side of
this ordered regularity for causes of a different
[ ? Supernatural ] nature. >>
These quotes are from Stephen Hawking: <<
one has to find a consistent solution
of the equations of physics >>, <<
It would imply that we were completely determined:
we couldn't change our minds. So much for free will. >>, <<
In summary, the title of this essay was a question:
' Is everything determined ? '
The answer is yes, it is.
But it might as well not be,
because we can never know what is determined. >>, <<
The boundary condition of the universe
is that it has no boundary.
The universe would be completely self-contained
and not affected by anything outside itself.
It would neither be created nor destroyed.
It would just Be .
What place, then, for a creator ? >>, <<
In relativity, there is no real distinction between
the space and time coordinates, just as there is
no difference between two space coordinates. >>
Hermann Weyl, Einstein's colleague said:
" The world doesn't happen, it simply is. "
From : <<
The theory of Democritus [ Athens, 460 - 370 BC ]
may be summed up in the following propositions :
- All bodies are composed of atoms
and spaces between the atoms. >>, <<
- There is no purpose or design in nature,
and in this sense all is ruled by chance.
[ Jeff Relf adds: " Chance " is a mysterious,
yet still absolute, material determinism ]
- All activity is reduced to local motion. >>
Hawking wrote:
<a href="">
<< There are something like ten million million million
million million million million million million million
million million million million
( 1 with eighty zeroes after it ) particles
in the region of the universe that we can observe.
Where did they all come from ?
The answer is that, in quantum theory,
particles can be created out of energy
in the form of particle/antiparticle parts.
But that just raises the question of
where the energy came from.
The answer is that
the total energy of the universe is exactly zero.
The matter in the universe
is made out of positive energy.
the matter is all attracting itself by gravity.
Two pieces of matter that
are close to each other have less energy than
the same two pieces a long way apart,
because you have to expend energy
to separate them against the gravitational
force that is pulling them together.
Thus in a sense,
the gravitational field has negative energy.
In the case of a universe that is
approximately uniform in space,
one can show that this negative gravitational energy
exactly cancels the positive energy
represented by the matter.
So the total energy of the universe is zero.
Now twice zero is also zero.
Thus the universe can
double the amount of positive matter energy
and also double the negative gravitational energy
without violation of the conservation of energy. >>, <<
It is said that there's no such thing as a free lunch.
But the universe is the ultimate free lunch. >>
Here is the output:
< head>Jeff Relf's Home Page
Welcome to my home page:
e-mail: (e-mail address removed)
I'm Jeff Relf and I was born in North Seattle at the start of 1960
to a Mormon family consisting of two parents, four brothers and one sister.
My first programming was on HP and TI calculators starting around 1974.
( e.g. in 1976, the HP 67 with it's magnetic cards ).
I broke and lost many of them.
I've been programming professionally since the start of 1982,
but I play much more than I work ( like a starving artist, if you will ).
Here's my favorite pointing device:
This link shows my ramblings on Usenet ( Google Groups ):
This link shows a Picture of me from around the start of 2003:
Here's my main man:
Here's Einstein, another guy I like:
This link shows my daughter, Jenny, at her wedding ( Mid 2003 ):
Here's my son, Jeff, at the Moab MUni Fest, summer 2001:
Here's my ex, Janeen, at the Moab MUni Fest, summer 2001:
Here are my style sheet overrides for Moz FireFox 1.0,
userChrome.CSS and userContent.CSS:
They make pages look like this:
Here is my HTML to TXT converter:
If, for example, you pass it a file named index.HTM ,
it creates a file called index.TXT .
Here is my CPU/hard_disk benchmarker:
( Tom is someone I met in Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy )
For example, if you run Tom.EXE, you'll see that a 1.7 GHz Vaio notebook,
with a Centrino and 2 megs of L2 cache, is much faster than my
cheap Compaq Presario desktop with 2.7 GHz,
256 RAM, 128K L2 cache, 8 megs of actual VRAM ( 64 by emulation )
6 USB ports, at least 6 audio jacks, and a 40 gig hard disk.
( It cost 229 USD after rebates... a close out )
A lower clock rate is very desirable for notebooks
as it has little effect on actual performacne
and the power consumed rises with the square of the clock rate.
Tom.EXE can test both the the speed of your CPU/cache while task-switching
as well as the speed of your hard disk while swaping out to virtual memory.
You run it in a DOS shell,
passing it how many threads you want it to simultaneously hold.
If you don't pass a parameter it will create as many simultaneous threads
as possible, thereby invoking all of your virtual memory
( making the swap file very active for about 3-7 minutes ).
These are the numbers I get on my box:
>>> Tom 2000
2,000 Simultaneous threads acheived.
58.7 Seconds per 100,000 simultaneously spawned/completed.
>>> Tom
14,032 Simultaneous threads acheived.
17.3 Minutes per 100,000 simultaneously spawned/completed.
The 100,000 simultaneous threads standard refers to
a conversation Ingo Molnar had with Linus Torvalds
( see ).
Here's X, my hand-rolled newsreader, Dialer, SMTP-AUTH and POP3 client:
X's settings are here:
The .EXE file ( for MS_Win_XP ):
The .CPP file ( MS_VC_7.1 ):
The next two files are optional.
This contains my project settings ( VS.NET 2003, Microsoft C++ 7.1 )
( you can edit it with notepad to change the directories used ):
This is just X's icon:
I use X a lot, it's the only newsreader I use.
I never have to screw around with views or sorting
because my X ( in VS.NET ) allows me to slickly/quickly search
the full text of a newsgroup in one file.
Cola.TXT ( Comp.OS.Linux.Advocacy ) is a 3.8 MB example of that:
This is what Cola.TXT looks like when browsing it in VS.NET:
X is using Bit_Stream.TTF, a good monospaced font ( free ):
X automatically excludes second-level quoting ( i.e. the " > > " )
HTML, PGP sigs, and other spam.
I have that newsgroup set up tp retain 2,000 unread articles,
800 read articles that were from/to me
( up to 5 levels away, per the Referencs header ),
and 200 read ( a.k.a. " Deleted " ) articles not To/From me.
A VBA macro assigned to F1 ( and a toolbar icon )
in Visual studio.NET appears to delete an article
but actually moves it to the end of the file
and prefixes it with the word " Deleted ".
X's VBA macros for VS.NET 2003:
Then, when X.EXE updates Cola.TXT the articles are sorted like this:
1. To/From Me Unread. Most recent First ( as found on the server ).
2. Unread not To/From Me. Most recent First.
3. Deleted not To/From Me. Most recent Last.
4. To/From Me Deleted. Most recent Last.
Although I plan on adding an editor to X,
it currently works best with VS.NET .
In VS, proper updating/viewing of In.TXT and Cola.TXT
requires that these two boxes be checked
in VS's Options --> Environment --> Documents:
1. Detect when file is changed outside the environment.
2. Auto-load changes
( if not not currently modified inside the environment ).
X's update to Cola.TXT is an element in VS' undo/redo list,
so you have to be careful when undoing things.
The update produces a report like this in X:
1 FromMe, 5 ToMe, 55 New.
1,987 UnRead, 500 Read, 500 Read FromTos.
The 5 most recent MIDs from the References header ( youngest first )
are tagged ( e.g. AAE__ ) for quicker/slicker searching in VS.NET:
One click on one of my toolbar's up/down arrows
finds what's under the text cursor ( repeatedly so, of course ).
Another pair of arrows only repeats the last search, up or down.
An article from a newsgroup begins something like this:
[email protected]
(e-mail address removed)
ABH__Z%isd.508650$D%.378252@attbi_s51 .
Re: Firefox stability
John_Bailo ( 4, 11.39 A, rVH4W _BP7FiP D Earthlink.NET, KNode_0_7_7 ),
This is the second line of the article's body.
X.CPP also handles SMTP-AUTH ( which works from anyone's LAN ).
Just put what you want to e-mail in the cut buffer
( the Del_Art VBA script, assigned to a toolbar icon,
does that automatically for me ).
The format of the e-mail must be like this:
Jack Black <
[email protected]>
Jane Peters <
[email protected]>
Albert <
[email protected]> .
Re: This is the title.
Hi Jack ( and Jane, Albert ), Blah blah.
When sending e-mails to multiple people,
the second address must be indeneted with exactly two spaces
and the last addess must end with a Space_Space_Dot .
Hit E-Mail in X's toolbar to send it.
Hitting In checks your POP3 account for e-mail,
appending your e-mails to the end of In.TXT .
Attachements are automatically placed in the shortcut's directory.
X will not send attachments
( because I prefer to use links to my web site instead ).
This link shows a .CPP to .HTML converter with syntax highlighting,
I didn't wrap it in a main() because I call it from WinMain()
( too complex to show here ):
http://Google.COM/[email protected]
Here's my Games.EXE program:
There's no help file.
It makes heavy use of my trackball ( wheel, 5 buttons ).
e.g. For quick exiting,
One of my buttons is set to Cntrl-F4 ( Close window ).
Games.EXE plays a kind of Random_Chess, Rapid Monopoly,
Random_Mario_Brothers, Reversie, and Solitaire.
The chess game is always one player ( white ),
and it's designed to be very very mindless.
Pieces can be quickly added or removed.
By default you have no king... so you can't lose.
Source code:
Project file ( VS.NET 2003, Microsoft C++ 7.1 ):
Here is my Dif.EXE program:
It compares two plain-text files via a shortcut ( .LNK ), e.g.:
Hit escape or Cntrl-F4 to exit. Use the wheel to move lines.
Hold down the middle mouse button as you move the wheel
to page up and down.
The screen's output is sent to
a file called AA.TXT in the starting directory.
Source code:
Project file ( VS.NET ):
Here are some quotes from Einstein: <<
People like us, who believe in physics,
know that the distinction between past, present,
and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. >>, <<
every true theorist is a kind of tamed metaphysicist,
no matter how pure a ' positivist '
he may fancy himself.
[ ... He believes in ] a conceptual system built on
premises of great simplicity. >>, <<
But the scientist is possessed by
the sense of universal causation. The future, to him,
is every whit as necessary and determined as the past. >>, <<
A human being is a part of a whole,
called by us ' Universe ',
a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
as something separated from the rest ...
a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. >>, <<
Everything is determined,
the beginning as well as the end,
by forces over which we have no control.
It is determined for the insects as well as the star.
Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust,
we all dance to a mysterious tune
intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. >>, <<
If [ God ] is omnipotent, then every occurrence,
including every human action, every human thought,
and Every human feeling and aspiration is also His work ;
how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for
their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty Being ?
In giving out punishment and rewards he would,
to a certain extent, be passing judgment on Himself.
How can this be combined with
the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him ? >>, <<
The more a man is imbued with
the ordered regularity of all events
the firmer becomes his conviction that
there is no room left by the side of
this ordered regularity for causes of a different
[ ? Supernatural ] nature. >>
These quotes are from Stephen Hawking: <<
one has to find a consistent solution
of the equations of physics >>, <<
It would imply that we were completely determined:
we couldn't change our minds. So much for free will. >>, <<
In summary, the title of this essay was a question:
' Is everything determined ? '
The answer is yes, it is.
But it might as well not be,
because we can never know what is determined. >>, <<
The boundary condition of the universe
is that it has no boundary.
The universe would be completely self-contained
and not affected by anything outside itself.
It would neither be created nor destroyed.
It would just Be .
What place, then, for a creator ? >>, <<
In relativity, there is no real distinction between
the space and time coordinates, just as there is
no difference between two space coordinates. >>
Hermann Weyl, Einstein's colleague said:
" The world doesn't happen, it simply is. "
From : <<
The theory of Democritus [ Athens, 460 - 370 BC ]
may be summed up in the following propositions :
- All bodies are composed of atoms
and spaces between the atoms. >>, <<
- There is no purpose or design in nature,
and in this sense all is ruled by chance.
[ Jeff Relf adds: " Chance " is a mysterious,
yet still absolute, material determinism ]
- All activity is reduced to local motion. >>
Hawking wrote:
<< There are something like ten million million million
million million million million million million million
million million million million
( 1 with eighty zeroes after it ) particles
in the region of the universe that we can observe.
Where did they all come from ?
The answer is that, in quantum theory,
particles can be created out of energy
in the form of particle/antiparticle parts.
But that just raises the question of
where the energy came from.
The answer is that
the total energy of the universe is exactly zero.
The matter in the universe
is made out of positive energy.
the matter is all attracting itself by gravity.
Two pieces of matter that
are close to each other have less energy than
the same two pieces a long way apart,
because you have to expend energy
to separate them against the gravitational
force that is pulling them together.
Thus in a sense,
the gravitational field has negative energy.
In the case of a universe that is
approximately uniform in space,
one can show that this negative gravitational energy
exactly cancels the positive energy
represented by the matter.
So the total energy of the universe is zero.
Now twice zero is also zero.
Thus the universe can
double the amount of positive matter energy
and also double the negative gravitational energy
without violation of the conservation of energy. >>, <<
It is said that there's no such thing as a free lunch.
But the universe is the ultimate free lunch. >>