My shell statement target path is not interpretting the
folder name "Test Reports" correctly with the space
between Test and Reports. It interprets the application
path fine. What should I do and why?
Dim RetVal
Dim strPath,strFileName
strFileName = Left$(strCustomer,6) & strRptDate
strPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\excel.exe M:\Test Reports\" & strFileName
& ".xls"
RetVal = Shell(strPath, 1)
folder name "Test Reports" correctly with the space
between Test and Reports. It interprets the application
path fine. What should I do and why?
Dim RetVal
Dim strPath,strFileName
strFileName = Left$(strCustomer,6) & strRptDate
strPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\excel.exe M:\Test Reports\" & strFileName
& ".xls"
RetVal = Shell(strPath, 1)