I used function:
BOOL InsertMenuItem( HMENU hMenu,
UINT uItem,
BOOL fByPosition,
to add consecutive menu elements in QueryContextMenu() shell interface.
After adding all of them only first one i displyed. I added MF_STRING type
I checked through debugger, they all are present there in menu.
If i try adding consecutive popup menues it works fine and can add as many
as I want.
Only MF_STRING type menus wont work. Only first inserted menu item is
shown. :-(
Thanks for help, Rajko.
BOOL InsertMenuItem( HMENU hMenu,
UINT uItem,
BOOL fByPosition,
to add consecutive menu elements in QueryContextMenu() shell interface.
After adding all of them only first one i displyed. I added MF_STRING type
I checked through debugger, they all are present there in menu.
If i try adding consecutive popup menues it works fine and can add as many
as I want.
Only MF_STRING type menus wont work. Only first inserted menu item is
shown. :-(
Thanks for help, Rajko.